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News 5 34 - Necromancers and consent

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NEWS article 5-34:


To clear up some confusion, these are the official rules regarding necromancers and consent:

1) Necromancers, by and large, operate under standard consent policy. Randomly ganking a necromancer is not an option and can get you an unconsented PvP warning, unless said necromancer is flagged PvP open on his profile. Seeing someone doing necromancy (spells, risen, or rituals, for example) does not necessarily give consent, although it may be accusable.

2) People who are witnesses to necromancy while inside a justice area can ACCUSE {name} NECROMANCY to any city guard. If the charge is successful, the accuser will be paid some money, which is taken from the accused. This gives the necromancer a fair amount of social outrage, which can deny them city services and may eventually get him purged by the Hounds of Rutilor.

3) With a successful accusation a necromancer can be flagged PvP open on their profile for a set period of time, which depends on how blatant they've been. At this point, they are still operating under normal consent rules, since someone that is open is fair game to be attacked without any consent. The necromancer does NOT have consent on his accuser and is not informed of who accused him.

4) Any construct, risen, zombie, or other vile creation made by a necromancer is fair game for anyone to attack without prior consent. If you attack said creation, the necromancer that created it has consent on you. You do NOT necessarily have consent on the necromancer. Consent for this is over after one death, regardless of who wins.

5) Necromancers CANNOT be flagged PvP closed on their Profile -- They MUST be either guarded or open. Necromancers have somewhat less leniency overall, since by simply choosing the Necromancer guild you are acknowledging there is potential for PvP. However, they are NOT all flagged open from the get-go.