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Necromancer guild joining quest walkthrough

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This article potentially reveals in-game secrets, spoilers, walkthroughs, or other information about necromancers not intended as general knowledge in-game.


The Philosophers of the Knife, the default/starting ideology for PC necromancers, are headquartered inside a "monastery" just outside the Crossing's North Gate. The outward facade of this organization is known as the Order of Inquiry.

Once you enter the monastery grounds you are being watched and judged. The monks, upon request, will give you tasks to accomplish. Some of the jobs are simple menial chores. Other tasks will take place in private areas of the compound requiring an escort, and you will have a chance to look around. Get caught spying during enough of the escorted tasks and the monks will bring you before Zamidren Book, where he will give you an opportunity to JOIN the Philosophers of the Knife.


  • This process is intentionally long and tedious. Regardless of how efficient you are, expect this to take multiple hours.
  • Be patient. You must wait 10 minutes between each task. Don't ask for jobs too quickly in succession. If you do, Adano will put you "at the back of his list", erasing your progress up to this point. ("Too quickly" seems to be three times within a minute or so.)
  • You can leave and come back later. When you begin the quest you will be given a medallion. You need to be wearing it in order to be readmitted to the monastery during this process. (You can TURN the medallion to hide it.)
  • Whatever you do, DO NOT ask anyone about necromancy directly. You will be tossed out of the monastery grounds and accused of necromancy by the monks. This will give you a Forbidden Practices charge, likely resulting in your arrest when you reenter town. If this happens you will need to PAY your fine at the Debt Collector's Office (DIR DEBT) and wait a considerable period of time before you can return and continue your business.


  1. Head out the Crossing's North Gate (RanikMap6). Go NORTH, NORTHEAST, then NORTH until you find a monk.
  2. ASK MONK ABOUT JOB twice.
    (The monk will escort you inside the monastery. These rooms have special mechanics that prevent most commands, as well as keeping you anonymous from others.)
  3. Head NORTH, NORTHEAST, WEST, NORTH until you reach Adano.
  5. Complete the task he assigns you (see table below). You will likely be given a number of menial jobs before you start getting the escorted tasks. Those are the ones you want to receive.
  6. Wait 10 minutes, then rinse and repeat.
  7. After enough of the escorted tasks you will be taken to Zamidren Book.

Tasks Overview

Task Type Direction from Adano Quest Progress Action Task Action
Window Escorted go gate PEER WINDOW CLEAN WINDOW
Painting Escorted go gate PEER CRACK GET PAINT
Library Escorted go gate OPEN BOOK SCRIBE TOME
Kitchen Escorted go gate PULL CURTAIN REPAIR TILE
Cow Pasture Escorted go gate PEER DIRT REPAIR WALL
Grave Escorted go gate LOOK HEADSTONE PULL WEED
Tower Steps Escorted go gate PEER KEY CLEAN STEP
Infirmary Escorted go gate OPEN CABINET
Chop Wood Menial south CUT FIRE
Tend Plants/Tend to the Vegetables Menial go gate, west, open gate TURN PLANT
Prepare Grapes Menial go gate PULL GRAPE
Gather Herbs Menial south, southwest GET HERB
Water Menial south, east, southwest GET WATER
Clean Rug Menial go gate, east, east CLEAN RUG
Pick Apples Menial south, east GET APPLE
Sweep Cobblestones Menial go gate, west CLEAN PATH
Washing Clothes Menial go gate, west WASH CLOTHES
Open beans Menial go gate, west, open gate OPEN BEAN