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Knobbie SnagglerKnobbie Snaggler
Status: Alive
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Type: merchant

Repairs orlogs. Possibly related to, or (OOC) a variation of, Knobby Snaggle, the orlog repairdwarf in the Mer'Kresh Perobler's Orlogs shop.


You see Master Repairman Knobbie Snaggler, a Dwarven Craftsman.
He is completely bald but for a fringe of white hair above his ears and along his jaw. His watery blue eyes peep over a pair of half-spectacles.
He is right old for a Dwarf.

He is holding a green-and-yellow striped folding chair in his right hand.
He is wearing a white linen apron, some black gabardine pants, a polished wooden toolbox and some reading spectacles.