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Jeolandu is a major Elanthian holiday, which lasts for eight days.
Jeolandu is celebrated beginning on the 350th day of the year (the 31st day of Dolefaren). Jeolandu is also known as the Day of the Ice. Many taverns will use this day to show off improvements and new attractions in the hopes of gaining additional customers in the winter season. Bards are encouraged to perform and often showcase their newest songs. On the last day of this holiday, the final great caravan trains are sent off to the far reaches of the world before winter fully sets in, in the hopes that Faenella's blessing will see them through. Near the eve of the 29th of Dolefaren, as the reality of the dark winter nights grows more real, many seek to undertake one last warding against the coming of Asketi. It is custom to take on the aspects of nightmare creatures or to carry a token of such through the streets of the town that is called home. This is often a time for the bravest of hunters to show off their prowess though the trophy they carry. In many towns, it is the children who take on these aspects and who are lead through the town from door to door demanding tribute, as spirits of darkness, in the form of treats.