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Item:Wide onyx ring clutching a polished stone

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Incomplete Item
  • This item is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Item Type

wide onyx ring clutching a polished stone
Look: Fairly nondescript, the pale stone has a single, thin blue swirl running through its center.
Weight: 1 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 10942 Kronars8,753.6 Lirums <br />7,895.747 Dokoras <br />10.942 LTBpoints <br />10.942 Tickets <br />10.942 Scrips <br />
  • This item is worn in the finger slot.
Dimensions: 1 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Jisi raffle

FOCUS: In your mind's eye, the onyx ring comes aglow with the telltale orange of a Persistence of Memory enchantment. The pattern is strong and stable, seemingly capable of timeless preservation.

Gives visions every few minutes that relate to the Quelling the Riot Quest.

"I'll help," you say.

"We figured. You don't seem the type to trust others with your future."

"I see glimpses of my future you're right that I don't let others mess with it, Yeymu."

"Yeymu smirks. He says, "Tomorrow it begins. Listen for the signal."

You find yourself staring at the barred window of the prison's processing office. Inside, a grizzled old man stares up at you. He gruffly asks, "Name?"

"Oyaslo," you respond.

"What crime are you accused of?"

"I killed one of the Keep's guards."

The old man makes notes in his ledger. Without looking up, he calls out, "Take this one to the back. Next!"

A simple, whistled tune of only four notes echoes outside of the cell. Hearing it, you take it up, repeating it exactly. Others take it up, one after the next, until the prison verily vibrates with the sound.

"Quiet down!" one of the guards barks.

The song only gets louder, more intense. Two guards join the first, looking at each other in agitation.

The time has come. As one with the other inmates, you stop the song. A pin could be heard falling in Ilithi, the silence is so heavy. The sound of metal on metal echoes down the corridor as a single cell's door opens. Then another. Before long, the walls are vibrating again with the swinging of cell doors and shuffling of feet.

The guards don't stand a chance.