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Item:Vibrant green tabard emblazoned with the unicorn of Hodierna

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  • This item is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Item Type

vibrant green tabard emblazoned with the unicorn of Hodierna
Look: It looks like it will fit perfectly on anyone.
Weight: 30 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 31,250 Kronars25,000 Lirums <br />22,550 Dokoras <br />31.25 LTBpoints <br />31.25 Tickets <br />31.25 Scrips <br />
  • This item is worn in the shirt (with armor) slot.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Dimensions: 13 length x 4 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Tending the Fold (2), Tending the Fold (1)
  • STUDY: Studying your green tabard carefully, you're sure you could do the following things with it: BOW, CLEAN, FOLD, POKE, PULL, PUSH, TIE, TURN, UNFOLD, UNTIE, WAVE.
  • BOW: Flourishing one hand before you, you press the other against your green tabard as you give a formal bow.
  • CLEAN: You brush some lint from your green tabard.
  • FOLD: You absent-mindedly pleat your green tabard between your fingers.
  • POKE: You tuck your thumbs beneath your green tabard, proudly displaying the shrew on the front of the garment.
  • PULL: You pull at the hem of your green tabard. Maybe you should have gotten the longer one.
  • PUSH: You run a finger around the neckline of the tabard, tugging at the collar.
  • TIE: You quickly knot the laces of your green tabard.
  • TURN: You come to attention, shoulders back, hands at your side, proudly displaying your green tabard.
  • UNFOLD: Frowning, you try to smooth away a wrinkle in your green tabard.
  • UNTIE: You unknot the laces of your green tabard, letting them dangle at your sides.
  • WAVE: You flap the hem of your green tabard, trying to cool yourself.
  • WEAR: You pull your green tabard over your head, settling the fabric panels evenly along your chest and back.
  • REMOVE: You flip the front panel of your green tabard up and over your head, wriggling out of the garment.