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Item:Slender fae marionette with a long peony-pink braid

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slender fae marionette with a long peony-pink braid
Look: Eyes of ash grey are painted on an expressive face that displays charmingly roguish grin. Crafted with the lithy physique of a male dancer, the cleverly articulated doll is garbed in an enchanting white wedding gown. The garment is an airy gossamer that is accented along the low v-shaped neckline with teeny embroidered blooms. Held in one hand is a bouquet of flowers that matches the hue of its hair. Given a free hand, you think you can PUSH, PULL, TURN, POKE, TAP, RUB, CLEAN, POINT, WAVE, BREAK or SCREAM at the little puppet to make it perform.
Weight: Unknown
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: Unknown
Properties: This is an item.
  • This item is a toy.
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Source is Tavern Troupe Performing Order/Gifts and prizes

all verb actions have a 5 sec. RT

  • PUSH: You tug at your fae marionette's strings, causing it to flail its arms as if it were casting a spell!
  • PULL: You pull the strings of your fae marionette and send it into a crazy dance!
  • TURN: You turn your fae marionette around, twitching the strings to make it trudge wearily along.
  • POKE: You jerk the strings of your fae marionette, causing it to shudder under your control before collapsing to the ground -- that'll teach it!
  • TAP: Holding the strings at arm's length, you allow your fae marionette to dangle helplessly under your control -- you power freak!
  • RUB: You twist the strings tightly for just a second before letting your fae marionette spin in insane circles!
  • CLEAN: You untangle the mess of strings attached to your fae marionette. Maybe if you weren't so rough with it, you wouldn't have to do this as often!
  • POINT: You point theatrically at a slender fae marionette with a long peony-pink braid, twitching the strings to make it take a bow.
  • WAVE: You wave at a slender fae marionette with a long peony-pink braid, giving its strings a deft twitch to make it wave back.
  • BREAK: You try to make your fae marionette dance a wild jig, but only manage to tangle the strings beyond repair! You're going to have to find four new strings if you want to fix it.
  • note: this will break the toy, and you will need Set of instrument strings (4 gut) to repair it before using again.
  • PUT STRING ON MARIONETTE to repair: You tug at the old strings, freeing the strings from the hopeless muddle you've made of them. Working quickly, you tie the new strings to the braces, carefully connecting the other end to various points on the little puppet.
  • SCREAM: You scream a few choice words at your fae marionette. It stares back vacantly.