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Incomplete Item
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Look: You fumble with your map, searching to orient yourself. Unfortunately, all you see is a confusing jumble of lines that looks like it was drawn by one of the infamous Lost Rangers of Therengia.

Don't panic yet, though. All's not lost. If you're on the streets of the town of the Crossing, you can still find your way around. Type DIR for an explanation on how to use the in-town directory assistance.

Other sources of information are HELP, ADVICE and asking other players how to get where you wish to go.

If you are using the Wizard Front End to connect to the game, you can find a graphical map of the town of the Crossing by clicking on the Help menu and selecting "On the Game." The "Maps" link will open a map of the town. If you're not using the Wizard, or you wish a copy of maps of other areas of Elanthia, go to the Files section of the DragonRealms Web Page and check out the Maps.

You can TURN this map, then LOOK at it again to see different views of a map of the Crossing.

Weight: 5 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 0 Kronars0 Lirums <br />0 Dokoras <br />0 LTBpoints <br />0 Tickets <br />0 Scrips <br />
Dimensions: 1 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Character Manager

First Map:

         G   G*        .
         |   |         |
         .   .     .-.-.          THE CROSSING
         |   |     |   |
         .-.-.     .   .-.-.-.-#
             |     |                  * LEGEND *
       ^     .-.-.-. G             ________________
        ^    |       |
       | ^   **  |                   G - Guild
     .-&  ^      .                   * - Training
     |     ^     |                   % - Academy
     .     ^     .                   & - Pawnshop
     |     ^     |                   @ - Town Green
     *    ^   *A-W-@~*               # - Town Gate
     |    ^    | | |                 A - Armory
     .    ^    @-@-@                 W - Weapons
     |    ^      |                   S - General Store
     .    ^      S-T                 T - Town Hall
     |     ^     |                   K - Bank
     .-*   ^     .                   ^ - River
       |    ^     \                  = - Bridge
       G     ^     K-.-.-.-#

Second Map:

       =======================================================      North Road, to
       Map of The Crossing, Capital of the Province of Zoluren     the province of
       =======================================================         Therengia,
                                                                  and the towns of
         N                                                              Dirge,
         |                           N     ..............            Stone Clan,
        \|/                        gate   .           |[P].          Kaerna and
      W--+--E                  ......#....   {J}      |   .          Arthe Dale
        /|\                   .      +--+-----+-------+    .........          |
 G       |                   .          |     |       |             .         |
 o       S                  .  [C]|{T}  |     |       +--+---+---+---(NE Gate)+
 b                   [R]   .      |     |     |          |   |    \  :         \
 l                     \  .  (T)  |     |    @+---+@     |   +-----+ .          +-> To
 i                      -#--------+     |     |   |      |   |     |  :            Warrior
 n                      .         |     |     |   +---+--+---+     |@ :            Mage
 s    ..................       (I)+-----+-----+    [E]|(H)   |     |  :            Guild
     :    Goodwhate Pike \~\  [B] |  Clanthew Blvd    |      |     |  :
(W gate)-+--+--+-------+--|~|b-+--+--+------+----+----+[b]   |     |  :
     :   |  |  |       |  |~|  | (A) |      |    |    |{T}   |     |  :
W    :  K|  +--+-------+@ |~| E| {T} |      |    |@   +------+-----+  :
a    :  e|     |        \ |~| m|     |      |    |                 |  :
t    :  r|     |{T}     / |~| b|     |      |    =                 |  :
e    :  t| (I)-+-------+  |~| a|     | {T}  | (m)|{T}              |  :
r    :  i|     |       |  |~| n+-----+  @  @|    =                 +  :
     :  g|     |@      |  |~| k|     |  G---G---G           @     /   .
S    :  e+-----+-------+  |~| m|    @|  | X | X |       +--------+   .
p    :  n|     |       |  |~| e+-----+--G---G---G{A}    |        |  :
r    :   |     +-------+@ |~| n|     |      |           |        |  :
i    :  R|     |[T] {T}|  |~| t|@    |      +-----------+ @      |  :
t    :  d|     |       |  |~|  |     |      |@  (TH)    |        |  :
e    :   |     |       |  |~|  |     |  @   |         --+        |  :
s    :   |     |    [T]|   \~\ +-----+--+---+ {c}       |        |  :
    .    |     +-------+--+ \~\         |    \ Hodierna | Way    |  :
   .     |     | Grd      |\ \~\  (I)---+     +---------+--------+--(E Gate)--> To Middens
  :      |     |          | \ \~+~~~~~~+ \   /{b}  {f}  |          .            To Observatory
  :Pri --+-----+----+-----+  \ +~~~~~~+~\ \ /           |         .
  :son   |     |    |      \  \        \~\b+            |        .
  :      |     |    |       \  +------+ \~\ {t}         |       .
   .     |     |    |        \        |  \~\            |      .
   :   --+     |    |         +-------+b  \~\           |     .
   :     |     |    |                 |    \~\          |    .
   :     |     |    |                 +     \~\         |   .
   :     +     +    |                / \     \~\        |...
    .     \     \   |               /  to the \~\      .|
    :      \   --+--+--------------+    Strand \~\    . |Landfall Docks
    :       \   /                 ship-          \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     .  ---+ +-+                  yard             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      .     \|/              (BEWARE OF RATS)   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   ~~~~~~~~  +  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ~~~~~~~~~ Docks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Selgotha River ~~~~~~~~~
  ~~~~~~~~~ (ferry) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ~~~~~ (ferry) ~~~~~
  ~~~~~~ Docks ~~~~
      to Leth Deri'el
       and the province
         of Ilithi
   --- Guild Halls ---    ------------- Support Services ------------
   [b] Barbarian          @  Shop                 {t} Temple
   [B] Bard              (H) Hospital             |~| Bridge
   [C] Cleric            (m) Mags                 (A) Asameth Academy
   [E]  Empath           (TH) Town Hall            {T} Stat training
   [P]  Paladin           {A} Amphitheatre          G  Town Green
   [R]  Ranger            {J} Jadewater (mentors)  {f} armor/weapon repair
   [T]  Trader            {c} carousel             {b} bank
   (T) Tannery
 ~~~ water (Selgotha river (east-west) and Oxenwaithe River (north-south)
   * Warrior Mage and Moon Mage guilds are located outside the town walls