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Item:Hexad of moonsilver monocles of varying sizes

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Incomplete Item
  • This item is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Item Type

hexad of moonsilver monocles of varying sizes
Look: Attached to a strap of glittering diamond-hide are six monocles, their sizes and magnification strengths greatly varied. Each lens is affixed to a hinged arm and set within a frame wrought from a different type of luminous metal. The smaller trio of frames emit sapphirine, amethyst, and viridian lambency, while the larger ones luminescence with eerie black, cardinal, and argent hues, their individual radiance combining to create a kaleidoscopic array of glowing colors.
Weight: 6 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: Unknown
  • This item is worn in a generic slot.
Dimensions: 1 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Stolen from the Moons (3)

Worn Look

You have an odd ocular device held in place over your curiously magnified left eye by a diamond-hide strap. Hinged arms affix a hexad of monocles of varying sizes to the glittering leather, each lens framed in a different type of moonsilver.



You push lightly on a hexad of moonsilver monocles of varying sizes, touching your scaley face lightly with your fingertips.


You tug a bit on a hexad of moonsilver monocles of varying sizes, running your fingers against your scaley face in the process.


You lightly twist your moonsilver monocles, making sure everything is secured firmly to your scaley face.


You lightly drum your fingers against a hexad of moonsilver monocles of varying sizes attached to your scaley face. Stylish!