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Item:Handsome porcelain groom doll dressed in a tailored black silk suit

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Incomplete Item
  • This item is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Item Type

handsome porcelain groom doll dressed in a tailored black silk suit
Look: Fastened with anchor-shaped golden buttons, the suit of black silk has been tailored to fit the groom perfectly. A happy smile graces his handsome face, while he holds a golden wedding ring in his outstretched right hand.
Weight: 5 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 6,250 Kronars5,000 Lirums <br />4,510 Dokoras <br />6.25 LTBpoints <br />6.25 Tickets <br />6.25 Scrips <br />
  • This item is a toy.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Dimensions: 3 length x 2 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is House of Dolls (1)
  • FILL You carefully remove the head from your groom doll and take a tiny crystal flask from within. Filling the flask with <drink>, you cap it and tuck it back inside the doll, replacing the head.
  • HUG You pull your groom doll close to you in a brief hug, taking comfort from the cuddly feel of its soft body.
  • KISS You purse your lips, lifting your groom doll to kiss its painted face gently. Nope. Not as good as the real thing.
<Person> purses her lips, lifting her groom doll to kiss its painted face gently. Lowering the doll, she frowns as if she had expected it to kiss her back.
  • POKE You poke a finger at your groom doll expectantly, trying to nudge it into movement, but nothing happens. As you grow more impatient, the doll suddenly seems to jerk slightly, but is still before you can blink.
  • PULL You tug at the leg of your groom doll, but it seems to be firmly attached.
  • RUB You rub your cheek against your groom doll, smiling slightly as the soft material tickles your skin.
  • SHAKE As you glance down, you notice a small bug crawling over your groom doll. You shake it frantically, trying to get the creature to fall off.
  • SNUGGLE You cuddle your groom doll in your arms, feeling ready to protect it from the world.
  • TAP You tap a finger forcefully against your groom doll, claiming it as your own.
  • TURN You turn your groom doll back and forth, beaming happily as you admire it from every angle.
  • YANK (empty): You yank off the head of your groom doll, carefully removing a tiny crystal flask from its hiding place. As you lift the flask to your lips, you realize that it's empty. Muttering to yourself, you slip the flask back into your doll and replace its head.
  • YANK (full): You yank off the head of your groom doll, carefully removing a tiny crystal flask from its hiding place. Lifting the flask to your lips, you take a quick sip of <drink>, saving the rest for later. Replacing the cap, you slip the flask back inside the doll.
  • YANK (last sip): You yank off the head of your groom doll, carefully removing a tiny crystal flask from its hiding place. Lifting the flask to your lips, you take a quick sip of <drink>, finishing off the last drop. Replacing the cap, you slip the flask back inside the doll.