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Item:Fraying zombie

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Incomplete Item
  • This item is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Item Type

fraying zombie
Look: You see nothing unusual.
Weight: 20 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 6,250 Kronars5,000 Lirums <br />4,510 Dokoras <br />6.25 LTBpoints <br />6.25 Tickets <br />6.25 Scrips <br />
  • This item is worn in the upper arm slot.
  • This item is a toy.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Dimensions: 2 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Back of the Caravan

A small tag affixed to the zombie details the instructions for using it
"Be gentle as you TAP, PUSH, PULL, WAVE, WEAR and REMOVE the zombie so as not to damage it. Gentle hands are needed for subtle manipulations that result in lifelike responses."


  • WEAR: You casually wrap the threadbare zombie's right arm around your upper left arm, securing it in place with the patch of sticky goo on its right hand.
  • REMOVE: You reach up to the threadbare zombie and gently unattach it from your arm.
  • PULL: The threadbare zombie's left arm frays rapidly and starts to fall off, staying attached only by a mere thread.
  • PUSH: You find the hidden air bladder in the zombie and give it a small push. The threadbare zombie moans softly.
  • TAP: You notice that the threadbare zombie's left arm is slowly falling off and try to surreptitously re-attach it.
  • WAVE: You gently rock your arm back and forth. In response, the threadbare zombie waves hello with its barely attached left arm.