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Item:Flowing twilight-hued shroud trailing tattered remnants of pallid wildlace

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flowing twilight-hued shroud trailing tattered remnants of pallid wildlace
Look: This loosely tailored garment is composed of numerous layers of matte thornweave, each dyed in ever-deepening shades of eventide, obscuring the form and draping in lavish folds that drag the ground when worn. Pale silver wildlace twines around the arms and midsection, the once-pristine material purposefully torn ragged and frayed. Tiny crystalline droplets cling to the subtly shaded lace, strewn like argent stars that shine molten against a twilight sky.
Weight: 50 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: Unknown
  • This item is a container or has pockets.
  • This item is worn in the shoulders slot.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Capacity: 3 length x 3 width x 3 height (200 stones)
Sources: Source is Tildi's Blooms (4), Abyssal black bag webbed in fragile silver-tinged wildlace
  • RUB: You brush your hand against your twilight-hued shroud.
  • SHAKE: You adjust your twilight-hued shroud.
  • PULL: You draw your twilight-hued shroud away from your hips.
  • ROLL: You wring your twilight-hued shroud between your hands.
  • WAVE: You flap your twilight-hued shroud about.
  • HUG: You pull your twilight-hued shroud around yourself.
  • THROW: You flip your twilight-hued shroud over your shoulders.
  • KISS: You wipe your mouth on the hem of your twilight-hued shroud.
  • NUDGE: You rearrange the folds of your twilight-hued shroud.
  • PUNCH: You smack a hand sharply against your twilight-hued shroud.
  • TURN: You pull your shroud's hood up to conceal your features.