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Item:Artisanally crafted coastal saltmarsh miniature

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artisanally crafted coastal saltmarsh miniature
Look: This elaborately detailed scale model masterfully uses several techniques to create an almost lifelike model of an estuarine ecosystem on the container's exterior. A sinuously snaking watersilk river leads to an aldamalm shoreline cut to heighten the gem's watery, wavelike qualities. The surrounding, marshy landscape is dotted with tiny tamboti trees and lush with jaalmin and silveress tinged in blue, brown, and green hues. More watersilk lines the interior to create a cozy space for a small pig.
Weight: 3 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 475,000 Kronars380,000 Lirums <br />342,760 Dokoras <br />475 LTBpoints <br />475 Tickets <br />475 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is an article of clothing.
  • This item is worn in the belt slot.
  • This item is part of the vanity pet system.
Dimensions: 1 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is This Little Piggy (6)

This item is a home for a pet pig.