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Hylomorphic Corruption

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Hylomorphic corruption is the result of Warrior Mages using Hylomorphic Sorcery spells like Aethrolysis.

The effects of the corruption are recurring wounds and vitality or spirit damage. This damage accumulates, similar to poison or disease, so be careful of numerous casts. The damage also appears to scale based off of the mana put into the Hylomorphic spell cast. More powerful casts appear to cause spirit damage more frequently than vitality damage. Aligning to the elemental domain of metal causes Hylomorphic corruption to decay faster without increasing the detrimental effects. Being in a room with a summoned metal domain active will temporarily stop both the damaging effects and the decay.

Damage messaging

This section was recently discovered while testing with alignment to the metal plane, and may require that alignment to get "lesser" effects. Of note, these effects were accompanied with actual damage, and did not begin to occur until approximately 30 minutes after the last cast of the spell while waiting for the corruption to cease. The initial period was strictly vit damage and some random skin/eye damage without noticed messaging. Further testing should be done for clarity. Also of note, HEALME in Test does not clear Hylomorphic Corruption.

Hypothesis: The messaging occurs when the phase is transitioning as the corruption decays.

  • Heat blooms on your skin like an instantaneous sunburn.
  • Your throat clamps, and you cough blood for several moments.
  • You spit at the sudden taste of bile in your mouth.
  • Your mouth feels sore with multiple cankers.
  • A punishing headache pounds into your skull.

  • Searing pain splashes like an oil slick across your sight! Aetheric colors iridesce wildly, soon succumbing to a heinous blue that saps your body and soul.
  • Your body becomes alight as though it has swallowed a small blue sun. Skin peels back from spontaneous bursts of melted flesh, spilling vitreous red particles and leaking white smoke.
  • You sense that the raw matter of your body is deteriorating in unknowable, grievous ways.
  • A devastating nausea cascades up your body, driving blood out of your mouth. Hacking and trembling, you swat scalding tears from your eyes.
  • For a moment, you are blinded by scorching black pain!
  • Your flesh sizzles from within as if injected with boiling oil!
  • Your bones glow with momentary blue brilliance, brittle and singing with pain.
  • Your hanging skin seems to sprout burns and ulcerations, clotted with suppuration and blood.
  • You become alight with the poison metal that has suffused your body so thoroughly. Skin peels back from spontaneous bursts of liquid flesh, spilling particles of vitrified blood and leaking vaporized bone. The impossibility of what is happening to you is only eclipsed by the anguish you endure.

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