Housing of Therenborough

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Housing of Therenborough
Location: Therenborough, Therengia (RanikMap42)
Class / Type: Lower, Middle / Rural, Urban
Restrictions: None
Justice: city
Form: Free
Homes (Free): 42 (28)
Last Checked: 14 Aug 2022

Therenborough Housing.gif

Location Category Restrictions Owner Appearance
Arbalest Row - 1 Middle Class, Rural Sley fieldstone home
Arbalest Row - 1 Middle Class, Rural Unclaimed neat fieldstone house
Horseman's Run - 2 Middle Class, Rural Tarryn cedar frame cabin with some well-made hickory steps leading to the front door
Horseman's Run - 2 Middle Class, Rural Unclaimed grey fieldstone cottage
Horseman's Run - 2 Middle Class, Rural Sonjha black fieldstone dwelling with a stand of white-barked birch trees growing in the yard
Horseman's Run - 2 Middle Class, Rural Unclaimed tidy oak frame house
Lower East Way - 3 Middle Class, Urban Pegirra neat stone block dwelling
Lower East Way - 3 Middle Class, Urban Dromond. cozy blue stucco dwelling with an abundance of pink and red tulips framing the door
Lower East Way - 3 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed trim red brick home
Lower East Way - 3 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed sturdy red brick house
Lower East Way - 4 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed oak frame cottage
Lower East Way - 4 Middle Class, Urban Elyfterria tidy baked brick home
Lower East Way - 4 Middle Class, Urban Rogua white stucco home with a pile of dried leaves in the yard
Lower East Way - 4 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed hickory frame house
Lower East Way - 4 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed red brick house
Lower East Way - 5 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed red oak frame cottage
Lower East Way - 5 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed oak frame cottage
Lower East Way - 5 Middle Class, Urban Nitasha stone block home
Lower East Way - 5 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed cozy white block house
Chapel Plaza West - 6 Middle Class, Urban Endyre sturdy pine frame abode
Chapel Plaza West - 6 Middle Class, Urban Kinie pine-shingled cottage
Chapel Plaza West - 6 Middle Class, Urban Kalmeer dark rose stone cottage
Chapel Plaza West - 6 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed cozy brown brick home
Chapel Plaza South - 7 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed green pine-trimmed abode
Chapel Plaza South - 7 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed cedar frame cottage
Chapel Plaza South - 7 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed sturdy brown brick home
Chapel Plaza South - 7 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed cedar frame house
Narrow Alleyway - 8 Lower Class, Urban Unclaimed stacked stone house
Narrow Alleyway - 9 Lower Class, Urban Rivalin rough-cut stacked stone house
Chapel Plaza East - 10 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed oak-shingled stone block dwelling
Chapel Plaza East - 10 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed white block home
Chapel Plaza East - 10 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed sturdy baked brick house
Chapel Plaza North - 11 Middle Class, Urban Dragaus white stucco house
Alabaster Road - 12 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed cozy cedar frame abode
Alabaster Road - 12 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed oak-shingled cottage
Alabaster Road - 12 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed oak-trimmed dwelling
Alabaster Road - 12 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed red brick home
Alabaster Road - 12 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed trim blue block house
Alabaster Road - 13 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed cedar frame cottage
Alabaster Road - 13 Middle Class, Urban Timmothis spacious cedar frame home
Alabaster Road - 13 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed green yew-shingled home
Alabaster Road - 13 Middle Class, Urban Unclaimed white stucco house