Housing of Riverhaven

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Housing of Riverhaven
Location: Riverhaven, Therengia (RanikMap30)
Class / Type: Lower, Middle, Upper / Urban
Restrictions: None
Justice: city
Form: Free
Homes (Free): 26 (0)
Last Checked: 12 Aug 2022

Rooms 1 and 6 are by the west gate. Room 2 is outside Cecelia's Blossoms. Rooms 3 through 5 are near Dunshade Manor. Room 7 is by the north gate. Room 8 is between the bank and House of Bardic Blues. Rooms 9 through 12 are by the east gate.

Riverhaven Housing.gif

Location Category Restrictions Owner Appearance
River Road West - 1 Lower Class, Urban Lauka birch-trimmed house
River Road West - 2 Upper Class, Urban Tibsley ivy-covered grey marble manor
Crossroads - 3 Lower Class, Urban Astridattar stacked stone house
Silvermoon Road - 4 Middle Class, Urban Vaara pine-shingled dwelling
Silvermoon Road - 4 Middle Class, Urban Nimiane grey stone block house with a fragrant magnolia tree growing in front
Crescent Way - 5 Lower Class, Urban Kawaihae ash frame house
River Road West - 6 Middle Class, Urban Lovdie cozy blue stucco home
River Road West - 6 Middle Class, Urban Zindelo white stucco home with an ornate pewter gargoyle knocker mounted on its ebonwood door
River Road West - 7 Middle Class, Urban Phaudrig rough-hewn stone block cottage
River Road West - 7 Middle Class, Urban Tearyn red brick home sitting behind terraces of red-bricked seasonal gardens
Theren Way - 8 Middle Class, Urban Nysia cedar-trimmed grey block abode
Theren Way - 8 Middle Class, Urban Cauchy cozy cedar frame cottage
Theren Way - 8 Middle Class, Urban Sangula oak-shingled red brick dwelling with a huge oak tree placed by its entrance
Theren Way - 8 Middle Class, Urban Drudg cozy white block home with clinging ivy vines along the eaves
Theren Way - 8 Middle Class, Urban Alemgoshar trim brown brick house sitting behind terraces of red-bricked seasonal gardens
Theren Way - 8 Middle Class, Urban Rustye oak-shingled stone block house
Blackmoon Road - 9 Middle Class, Urban Mendasity pine-shingled cottage
Blackmoon Road - 9 Middle Class, Urban Andreasis cedar-trimmed blue stucco cottage
Blackmoon Road - 9 Middle Class, Urban Worrclan grey block home with a huge marble fountain spouting crystal clear water
Blackmoon Road - 9 Middle Class, Urban Detxer blue pine-shingled house
Ring Road East - 10 Lower Class, Urban Neeno old stacked stone house surrounded by several flickering will-o-wisps
Ring Road East - 11 Middle Class, Urban Etasia cozy blue block cottage with some maiden tress vines clinging to the eaves
Ring Road East - 11 Middle Class, Urban Eugenie sturdy stone block home
Ring Road East - 11 Middle Class, Urban Inver oak frame house with a large stone fountain carved like a leaping dolphin
Ring Road East - 12 Lower Class, Urban Ilhenny old stacked stone house
Ring Road East - 12 Lower Class, Urban Saeyn little stacked stone hut with rotting wooden steps leading to a splintered front door