Hibarnhvidar Library

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Hibarnhvidar Library
Province Town Building Map Number of Books
Forfedhdar Hibarnhvidar Hibarnhvidar Library RanikMap117 20
'Book Categories'
(abbr. I)
Instructional or tutorial in nature, teach how to do certain things.
Fiction and Folklore
(abbr. F)
The written stories and traditions of a people or invented stories meant for entertainment.
Contemporary and Historic Accounts
(abbr. H)
Events or places from the past, from a current viewpoint or a historical analysis.
Myth and Religion
(abbr. M)
Mythical tales or religious ideas.
(abbr. R)
Written specifically to provide instruction or resource material.
(abbr. B)
A book detailing the life of an individual.
Performance Art
(abbr. P)
Books containing songs, plays, ballads, poems, etc


HkkAD The Appearances of Dwarves
HkkDB Dwarven Burial Customs
HkkTKW The Therengia-Kwarlog War
RrtGF A Guide to Forfedhdar
HtgLV The Lost Village
HahDC The Dwarven Clans
HbsMF The Pillars of Forfedhdar
HhvATH A Tale of HighHold
HhvGIK Garnedhren and the Iron Kingdom
HhaLB Lairocott Brach: The Stone Clan Home
HgjHH A History of Hvaral
HrtDE Dwarven Expressions
IkkAMG A Miner's Guide
RxxSH1 Speaking Haakish, V.I
RxxSH2 Speaking Haakish, V.II
RxxSH3 Speaking Haakish, V.III
FegBV A Bard's Voyage of Discovery
RxxDD1 A Dwarven Dictionary, Common to Haakish
RxxDD2 A Dwarven Dictionary, Haakish to Common
FxxMT My Time with the Seelie
HkkDH Dwarven Houses
HkkDKA The Dwarven Kingdom of Adamantia

Old Books, No Longer in the Library
The Dwarven Lexicons were replaced by the Dwarven Dictionaries.

RxxDL1 Dwarven Lexicon, V. I
RxxDL2 Dwarven Lexicon, V. II
RxxDL3 Dwarven Lexicon, V. III
RxxDL4 Dwarven Lexicon, V. IV