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Hekipe's Locksmithery

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Hekipe's Locksmithery
Province Therengia
Justice Unknown
Town Muspar'i
Map Ranik's Map 47
Owner Hekipe
# of Rooms 2
Store Type Locksmithing shops, Thief shops
Restrictions Thief
This store only accepts Lirums


[Hekipe's Locksmithery]
Dried desert roses hang in garlands from the low ceiling to frame the small room, and a modest Musparan silk rug lies upon the floor. No more than a squared hole, a glassless window carved from the sandstone wall is shaded by a pair of painted wooden shutters, offering some respite from the city noise and desert wind. The young S'Kra Mur woman, Muspar'i's local locksmith, sits behind a clean sandstone counter, occasionally pointing out the shelf and hook of wares behind her to interested parties.
You also see a tidy waste bin and Hekipe.
Obvious exits: out.

On the base shelf
Item Price Done
sand-hued stout lockpick 200   
spiraling ivory lockpick 700   
gold-spotted soapstone lockpick 3,200   
rose-etched bronze lockpick 600   
pale beige ordinary lockpick 100   
earth-toned slim lockpick 400   
On the hook
Item Price Done
sunstone lockpick ring 2,600   
lapis lazuli lockpick ring 2,850   
alabaster lockpick ring 2,575   
sandstone lockpick ring 2,465   

Private Quarters (Thief-only)

[Hekipe's Locksmithery, Private Quarters]
Wavering light from a wrought iron candelabrum fights the abundant shadows residing in this small corner, hidden away from the main showroom. Wax drips from the metal branches onto the surface of a circular table, the congealing liquid forming splatter patterns around several items for purchase, obviously selected for an exclusive clientele. Placed under a small wooden shelf, a comfortable-looking, albeit drab, leather sofa fills the entire wall opposite the door. You also see an inked golden parchment pinned to the wall.

On the circular table
Item Price Done
dark grey keyblank pocket 6,000   
light grey keyblank pocket 3,500   
dark silver keyblank pocket 7,250   
light silver keyblank pocket 4,125   
dark taupe keyblank pocket 8,500   
light taupe keyblank pocket 4,750   
dark beige keyblank pocket 26,000   
light beige keyblank pocket 13,500   
thick black keyblank pocket 11,000   
thin black keyblank pocket 5,100   
Individual keyblanks are sold on the shelf. You may also purchase pockets of keyblanks in stacks of twenty-five (25) or fifty (50). Each pack is labeled according to material. The color of the exterior denotes the size, with the dark holding more and light carrying less. When emptied, the pockets may be refilled, though only with their original keyblank type.
On the wooden shelf
Item Price Done
soft iron keyblank 100   
shiny nickel keyblank 125   
lustrous hematite keyblank 150   
gleaming pyrite keyblank 500   
dull jet keyblank 200