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Elven arachnomancer

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Elven arachnomancerElven arachnomancer
Status: Alive
Race: Elven
Gender: Male
Location: Arachnomancy

The Elven arachnomancer will teach adventurers new Spell Preparation messages during Hollow Eve Festival 439.


The arachnomancer is a wiry Elven man of middle years whose hair seems to have turned prematurely grey, though under a thick coating of oil and dirt it is hard to tell. He is dressed in soiled rags that exude a pungent odor reminiscent of a gelapod's pond, pieced together from the odds and ends gathered from the offal heaps of the city to make him appear more like an aged magpie's nest than the Elf he is.


"Aye, I can teach you further in the ways of magic," the Elven arachnomancer says to you, looking uncharacteristically serious for one clothed in rags.  "But be warned, this is not for the faint of heart.  It is difficult to unlearn what one has already learned, so you must be serious before you ask."  Staring at you appraisingly, he continues, "I can teach you to appear thus when preparing your spell patterns:"

   1) [alternate] You weave delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with your voice as you invoke the Summon Death Monkey spell.
      (Third-person): <Player> weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of <his/her> invocations.
   2) [alternate] Kaleidoscopic ribbons of light swirl between your outstretched hands, coalescing into a spectral wildling spider.  Its spinnerets move in unison with your incantation, forming the pattern of the Summon Death Monkey spell.
      (Third-person): Kaleidoscopic ribbons of light swirl between <player>'s outstretched hands, coalescing into a spectral wildling spider.  Its spinnerets move in unison with <his/her> incantation.
   3) [alternate] You bring your hands together and slowly spread them apart as arachnid motes of eldritch light arrange themselves into the pattern of the Summon Death Monkey spell before winking out of existence.
   4) [silent] Focusing intently, you trace a gossamer pattern in the air as you invoke the Summon Death Monkey spell.
      (Third-person): <Player> traces a gossamer pattern in the air.

[To learn a new preparation message, ORDER # FROM arachnomancer.]