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Drangvold's Sundries

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Drangvold's Sundries
Province Forfedhdar
Justice Unknown
Town Hibarnhvidar
Map Ranik's Map 116
Owner Drangvold
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Clothing shops, Container shops, Drink shops, General shops, Origami shops, Weapon shops, Miscellaneous shops
This store only accepts Dokoras

[Drangvold's Sundries, Sales Floor]
Stacked stone chinked with straw and plaster form the base for an unusual lichen painting on the back wall of the shop. Subtle shades of blues and greens mingle with grey and brown in a seascape, far from the sight or smell of the ocean. The other walls are hidden by rows of shelves creaking beneath the weight of the goods offered for sale in the town's general store. You also see a wooden peg rack with some stuff on it, a small writing desk with some stuff on it, a sturdy iron hook with a coiled hemp rope on it, and a sturdy oak barrel.

On the wooden shelves
Item Price Done
ivory-hilted scrimshaw knife 721   
stout oak-hafted hatchet 1,307   
iron-bound treasure chest 631   
fragrant sandalwood incense 45   !!
flask of Ghazalian red wine 40   !!
jug of mountain moonshine 40   !!
pitted steel broadsword 1,804   
battered bronze bastard sword 108,240   
carved bone comb 135   !!
ivory-handled clippers 387   !!
jade-handled straight razor 270   !!
black canvas shaving kit 180   !!
On the peg rack
Item Price Done
rugged leather haversack 437   !!
soft suede toolkit 360   !!
battered tin mining lamp 405   !!
heavy canvas carry-all 252   !!
fur-lined grey wool coat with carved jasper buttons 3,608   !!
On the writing desk
Item Price Done
(All envelopes contain 50 sheets unless noted)
plain yellow envelope 13,530   !!
pale brown envelope 13,530   !!
soft purple envelope 13,530   !!
royal blue envelope 13,530   !!
heavy peach envelope 13,530   !!
crisp mint-green envelope 13,530   !!
dark crimson envelope 13,530   !!
brightly striped envelope 13,530   !!
plain white envelope - (100 sheets) 9,020   !!
On the iron hook
Item Price Done
coiled hemp rope 180   !!
In the oak barrel
Item Price Done
reeking coal oil 40   !!