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Slickened hair, pulled back in a long ponytail, trails behind the dog-faced dirnel like a serpent. Though tossing the occasional playful snap at this makeshift-tail with a set of sharp, yellow teeth, he seems otherwise friendly enough. An adoring pair of eyes gleam from his Rakash-like face, dissolving any doubts of this protector's loyalities.


ItemSource isRare item
Bronze medallion suspended from a brown silk cordEmmiline's Cottage
Friendly dirnel marionetteItem:Painted wooden toy chestCurse of the Ghost Ship/End Loot
Item:Bronze medallion suspended from a brown silk cord
Item:Miniature hairy dog-faced dirnels
Item:Pitted cambrinth ball captured in the jaws of a mischievous dirnel
Miniature hairy dog-faced dirnelsTookes' Nook (2)Tookes' Nook (1)
Pitted cambrinth ball captured in the jaws of a mischievous dirnelNatural Magic, Natural Magic (2)Natural Magic (1)true

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