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Dantia/Storylines/The Building of Gyfford's Bridge

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The 50th Dragonrealms player to register for Simucon 2022 (Cined) was given insider information that the Therengian rope bridge was ready to be replaced with a real bridge. Cined is a member of a group known as the Ravens, who, among other things, really enjoy poking at and fighting Therengians.

Gyfford's Bridge announcement, outside
Gyfford's Bridge announcement, outside
Gyfford's Bridge announcement, inside
Gyfford's Bridge announcement, inside

While at Simucon, very late night on 8/6/2022, Cined was given the opportunity to "click the button" to push the project live.

Cined clicking the button to launch the bridge project
Cined clicking the button to launch the bridge project

The rope bridge collapsed, supplies for the construction of the bridge were dropped off, and the Ravens swooped in to act as unofficial supervisors of the project, issuing directions to those who arrived to help build. Players could help with the project by picking up various materials available at the construction sight, and applying them to the framework. The materials changed as the construction progressed and included foundation stones, clay, quartzite blocks, and support beams.

[Mistwood Forest, North of a Ravine]
A steep-sided ravine breaches the forest floor, leaving a wide gash spanned by a stone bridge.  The freshly cut stones of the construction show little sign of weathering or wear, some still displaying mason's marks or chisel scrapes.  A massive embankment leads the way across.
You also see a Darkmist abyss monkey draped in strands of clattering bone fragments, a Dragon Shield silverwood bar, a pallet of granite blocks, a pallet of quartzite blocks, a pallet of support beams, a pallet of rust-colored clay, a crate filled with gifts and a rudimentary framework for a large bridge.
Also here: Darkgaze, Knight of Meraud Tirost, Isthu'rath'a Saar'adu Ssylsqueth, Caravaner Urbaj, Neck Snapper Selame, Kintryn, Shield of Eylhaar Arkalye, Shop Filler Thires, Aerasar, Pirate Karturis, Caffeinated Caregiver Vadne, Cortege Reiku, Mrod's Shield Remyngton, Transcendent Empath Tichond, Reynne, Azurette, Shadow Huntress Elizandra, Pack Sister Dallylia, Morderac, Jochua, Racho, Alshabi Kamisama, Archivist Dayferlin, Impaler Airaman, Mercy Penrhyn and Holy Fist Slarc.
Obvious paths: west, northwest.
Azurette scoops out a small lump of rust-colored clay from a pallet of rust-colored clay.
Azurette smooths a small lump of rust-colored clay over an exposed area of stone, creating a seal.
Kamisama selects a support beam from the pallet and studies it carefully.
Kamisama carefully erects a support beam, setting it into place among a rudimentary framework for a large bridge.
> get block
You heft a textured granite block and glance at the structure to spot the perfect place for it.
> apply my block to framework
You place a textured granite block securely in place.
[Roundtime: 11 seconds.]

On 8/8/2022, the construction site runs out of supplies, with the bridge framework stuck at "almost completed."

> look framework
The framework appears to be almost completed.

People turned to the Ravens for an explanation as to where the remaining supplies were. The Ravens issued the following statement:

To the good people of Theren: By now you have noticed that your ridiculous rope that once spanned the ravine has been removed. We have started the work on replacing it with a stone bridge which you will find to be much more practical. However, to finish this bridge we will require 1743 Platinum Dokoras to be remitted to our accountant, the honorable Ishcah, at your earliest convenience. Signed The Saviors of Theren: The Ravens P.S. Completely unrelated but if anyone happened to find a set of blueprints that were last seen in the possession of two ham wielding gnomes can they please return it? - pressed into the seal of the bottom of the letter is a Raven

In response, at least one intrepid Trader offered their services to the Keep:

Chancellor Isleif,

I am writing you at sunset on 442-7-36. Many of us in the Trader's Guild have become aware of the construction material shortage for the new bridge. If it can be arranged, we would like to make our teams available to transport supplies. Some of us have already started moving our caravans to the area. I personally will be checking in at Alliance of Exchange, Traders' Center by mid-morning. 

Until I arrive, I am working with limited information. If the warehouses are empty and new lumber and stone are required then I am also available to coordinate mining and timber cutting to procure the raw materials.

Please let us know if our services can be utilized. I am prepared to personally broker reasonable contracts if the Trader's Guild does not send a representative directly. 

Additionally, I have spoken with the Northern Watch regarding security services. Madigan has directed his commanders to prepare escorts and scouts to ensure the roads are clear of obstacles and safe to travel on. 

At your service,
Greyhallow Hexium
Hexium Agency

On 08/09/2022, Parkons, the Quartermaster for the Northern Watch, and Trader Greyhallow met with the Ravens to see what could be done to hasten the completion of the bridge. The Ravens claimed that they had run out funds and could not afford additional supplies. Negotiations stalled when the Ravens could not produce details of how much of an investment would be required.

Ishcah says to Greyhallow, "We are going to need some funding to provide the additional matterials, from our suppliers."
Greyhallow asks, "The bridge needs materials right?"
Ishcah asks Greyhallow, "Are you suggesting a solution to our supply issues?"
Greyhallow says, "I'll be up front, I have very little motivation to provide funds."
Greyhallow says, "But I am willing to discuss a solution to acquring supplies."
Greyhallow asks, "Would you be interested in my company sourcing and delivering the raw materials to the bridge site?"
Ishcah says to Greyhallow, "We can consider this."
Ishcah asks Greyhallow, "What are your terms?"
Greyhallow says, "We draw up a contract to cover the terms. Have it notarized by the Baron. Each party holds up their end of the agreement."
Greyhallow says, "My fee will be reasonable."
Ishcah says to Greyhallow, "I think we'll be the judge of that."
Greyhallow says, "And considering the charitable nature... kids who can't climb ropes as you put it."
Greyhallow says, "I'm willing to contribute some of my personal coin to the venture."
Ishcah says to Greyhallow, "Please go on."
Greyhallow says, "In the form of a discount."
Ishcah asks Greyhallow, "Do you prefer taking the barge as passage?"
Ishcah says, "It'd be a shame if it sank."
Ishcah says, "Or if there were extra taxes to ride."
Greyhallow says, "And of course there will be a downpayment. I'm willing to negotiate there considering your unfortunate lack of liquidity."
Greyhallow says to Parkons, "I had higher expectations."
Ishcah says, "We didn't."
Ishcah asks Greyhallow, "What kind of funds are you looking to provide?"
Greyhallow says, "Like I said, my contribution will come in the form of a discount to my fees."
Greyhallow says, "And a generously low downpayment."
Ishcah says to Greyhallow, "I'll ask you once more for a number."
Parkons says, "No, I believe they want an estimate without having provided any actual details."
Ishcah asks Greyhallow, "And what do you suppose your fees are, sans discount?"
Greyhallow says to Parkons, "It appears they are no more organized today than they were yesterday other than finding a lunchpail scribbled with the word Blueprints."
Greyhallow says, "I cannot discuss fees until I know how much material is required. I will be hiring miners, lumberjacks, couriers, haulers, caterers, medics."
Tweedee says, "You dont need caterers..."
Greyhallow says, "Materials acquisition is not a small venture. As i'm sure you know."
Greyhallow says, "So you are paying some attention."
Ishcah smirks.
Ishcah says to Greyhallow, "If you'd prefer, I have a bridge for sale in Ilithi, that only requires a transport."
Greyhallow says, "It's getting late. I have a meeting at the Alliance of Exchange."
Greyhallow says, "Let me know when you have a list of requirements."
Ishcah says to Greyhallow, "If you're not willing to bid on this project, having seen the project site, and the progress, we can always seek other investors."
Ishcah says to Greyhallow, "Until then, you may ride the barge."
Greyhallow says to Parkons, "My evaluation exceeds reasonable risk."

In light of these failed negotiations, additional bidders put in their own offers.

Intent to Bid

RE Project: Completion of the Theren Bridge

Work Location: North Side of the ravine in Therengia

Description of Services: Provide quality stone, logs, and clay (now referred to as project supplies). Delivery of referenced project supplies, and installation of referenced supplies to complete the Theren Bridge Project.

Response to proposed contract:
As we understand it, your project is behind schedule and over budget. We can support by providing the required materials and labor to complete this project, in the appropriate timeline. Southern Traders are known for our timliness and having higher quality goods. 

Foreman Pucktin has also completed a large scale project for the Merlew, on Andreshlew, many years ago.

We do believe you've under estimated the cost of the completion, and the appropriate amount of compensation should be be closer to 4000 Platinum Dokoras. 

We did read the very fine, nearly illegiable, print and would be happy to front most of this cost until the Ravens have been paid, for an additional fee. We understand most subcontract work is Pay when Paid. This fee is required as there is additional risk when dealing with Therengians. As I understand it, they don't pay their invoices in a timely manner. If at all.

We will offer a Prompt Pay Discount of 25%, should you pay our invoice within 10 days of submission. Regardless of your collection status from Theren.


Pucktin Tradirious
Pucktin Tradirious and Aerasar of Ilithi, 
I have passed along your offer to our esteemed Bagman Ishcah Ravensblood and he was quite impressed. He would like to meet with you to discuss the fine details and put the finishing touches on the contract for materials and supplies for the bridge at your earliest convenience.

I have also set in motion a separate deal with a Nsar Al'thor who has promised a labor force that will not require food, water, or breaks to complete this arduous task of construction. He has also generously agreed to pay for all expenses for your materials and costs to ship them to the work site. 

The local authorities will most likely take a strong distaste against using such a workforce I have no doubt. Perhaps some makeup and some perfumes might help mask these monstrous creations from being found out? But I digress. These issues are not your concern as you are only tasked to provide the shipments of materials. 

Please make your first shipment of materials a.s.a.p. and we shall provide the security so your materials arrive safely and in good order.

~ Esteemed Bridge Supervisor Raven Raikage Ravensbloood

P.S. if you can locate some strawberry cordial in bulk then please bring it as well. It is crucial for the morale of the supervisor.

Meanwhile, on 08/12/2022, supplies necessary for the refurbishment of the Therengian Watchtower along the Northern Trade Route were delivered to the construction site. Members of the Northern Watch made quick work of the construction, shoring up the walls, installing new fixtures, and replacing broken window panes. In short time, the Watchtower was put back into commission in the name of the Baron. Out of curiosity, the Watch tried using tower supplies to complete the bridge but the materials were not compatible.


[Ruined Watchtower, Ground Floor]
The broken ends of termite eaten beams protrude from the walls above you, the floors they once supported having long ago collapsed, leaving only the towers ceiling far overhead still intact.  The shattered remains of furniture lie buried in a pile of rubble among chunks of wood and cracked bits of stone which have fallen from the upper stories.  A stone staircase along the inside wall looks mostly intact, and should offer access to the roof.
You also see a sagging oak door.


[Watchtower, Command Center]
Thick wooden beams line the room, supporting large, smooth stones that make up the walls and ceiling.  Arranged in a semi-circle are some basic oaken chairs that face a massive table covered with maps of the local area and a pot of roasted coffee.  A well-worn footlocker is pushed against one wall, the surface stained from years serving as a makeshift table.  A wide stone staircase affixed to the wall offers access to the roof.
You also see a sturdy oak door.

At the next Therengia meeting on 08/13/2022, hosted by Court Advisor Aaiyaah, the Ravens claimed to have arranged a deal with "some southern supply companies, who have also agreed to provide labor, and reasonable rates," and that the costs for all of their materials and labor so far would be invoiced to the Baron.

Ishcah says to Aaiyaah, "If I may, I have some news about the stoppage in work, at the new Raven's bridge."
Ishcah says, "Through a couple of Traders, who will be named later, on invoicing, we've managed to procure a new supply line for materials."
Aaiyaah says to Ishcah, "Sure, if we could hold that topic until Dayferlin speaks? I had already motioned the floor over."
Ishcah says, "Ahh."
Aaiyaah exclaims to Ishcah, "You are next, promise!"
Dayferlin says to Aaiyaah, "Last time, you said you would talk to the Keep about resuming donations from the general public, to put toward the bridge construction."
Dayferlin asks Aaiyaah, "Is that still the plan, or has the Keep officially decided to just let the Ravens take care of it?"
You hear a voice say, "Im not sure if the keep has a say in it."
Aaiyaah says, "Well...we have had a slight change of circumstance since that particular petition."
Aaiyaah says, "And the Keep absolutely has a say in it, this is Therengia after all."
Aaiyaah says, "To make that crystal clear."
Aaiyaah says, "Dayferlin, the last word I have from the Keep is that His Grace is discussing with Lord Rossman the situation concerning the bridge for more supplies."
Aaiyaah says, "At that point, it is all I know. As soon as I have an update, I will let everyone know."
Dayferlin says to Aaiyaah, "Thank you."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Ok, Ishcah, all yours!"
Ishcah exclaims, "Well, we have answers for the supply problems!"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Oh? Please do share!"
Raikage says, "And the labor."
Ishcah says, "As I said, a deal has been struck, with some southern supply companies, who have also agreed to provide labor, and reasonable rates."
Ishcah says, "We'd like the Baron to know that these supplies, and labor are available to him."
Aaiyaah says, "I will most certainly send that on to His Grace for sure."
Ishcah says, "Of course there will be a heavily discounted invoice for this, that will be discussed if the Baron is open to our offer."
Ishcah says, "These are guaranteed supplies mind you."
Aaiyaah asks, "Oh, so the Ravens are not working alongside all others to erect this bridge for a fee, not to serve the masses to provide ample passage?"
Rifkinn asks "Ishcah, Does it matter if he is open to it, and invoice is an invoice, right Brother?"
You say to Aaiyaah, "Even better, they are paying for it out of their own pockets."
Ishcah says, "Ahh there will be plenty of Raven labor involved as well."
Ishcah says, "We'll just be sending extra labor to expedite."
Aaiyaah asks, "Ah, so the message to His Grace is there are supplies for purchase for a fee....but discounted?"
Raikage says, "That way you have more time to admire your new tower while the work gets done."
Remyngton asks, "What kind of extra labor will be supplied?"
Ishcah says to Remyngton, "Labor that will get the job done."
Aaiyaah says, "Understood, I will inform His Grace of this offer and bring for his response , dispatch."
Ishcah says to Aaiyaah, "Thank you very much."
Penrhyn quietly says to Aaiyaah, "I suspect there were already ample supplies, but the Ravens probably stole them from the construction site in order to cause this problem, for themselves to so conveniently solve."
Aaiyaah says, "I will say thank you all for the hard work in building the bridge so far. It is truly inspiring to see our bridge finally becoming a reality."
Raikage says, "Those details are still in the works as it were, we shall be able to announce the details as soon as the materials are sorted out."
Anuril says, "It seems to me there is no need for extra labor. I was barely able to place one beam myself before the supplies were exhausted."
Aaiyaah says, "Alrighty, next is...."
You say, "On the topic of the Bridge, the Northern Watch would like to reiterate that the Bridge is a project under the authority of Therengia and the Baron."
Raikage says, "I can assure you that nobody is more concerned for the building of this bridge than the Ravens, we did not take the opportunity to steal the materials to build a tower to ourselves."
You say, "We appreciate the Ravens being so willing to pay for the expedited supplies and labor out of their own pockets."
Ishcah says, "Brought to you by the Ravens."
You say, Especially considering they did not verify with the Baron first that their expenses would be reimbursed."
Tankata says, "Thank you Ravens."
Aaiyaah says, "Yeah, them whole terms and conditions do kind of get in the way."
You say, "Considering what supplies and labor must cost, especially expedited, that is a large risk that you will be left owing your suppliers."
You say, "The Watch hopes that works out for you."
Ishcah says, "As do we."
Raikage says, "Oh, I can assure you every copper is being counted on expenditures, and it shall be passed along to the Baron on completion."
Rifkinn says, "Well we do like to put the people first, we suspend all personal activities, like building our new quarters so we can build the bridge."
You say, "I would also like to provide an update of a building project along the southern Therengian border."
You say, "At the border of Therengia and Zoluren, along the NTR, was a Therengian watch tower that had fallen abandoned and left to disrepair."
Tankata says, "We had the time to build the tower because the supplies weren't snatched up."
You say, "The Watch was able to raise the funding and secure supplies for the refurbishment of this tower."
You say, "After ample planning, and without losing blueprints, the construction was completed in only a few days time."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "I look forward to seeing the Tower!"
Tankata exclaims, "It's fantastic!"
Remyngton says, "A sample of the materials were brought to the bridge to see if they would fit and work, they unfortunately did not."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Oh yes, blueprints are essential!!!!"
Rifkinn says to you, "Funny you got the materials for that as the bridge is struggling to find materials."
Rifkinn says, "I wonder how the common folk feel about that."
You say to Rifkinn, "Thankfully, the supplies needed to refurbish a tower, such as window panes and brass fixtures, are markedly different than what is needed for a bridge."
Aaiyaah asks, "I am thinking the tower materials had been properly procurred prior to the supply chain issues before mentioned...?"
Rifkinn says to you, "Oh its a glass house theen."
Raikage exclaims, "Look, lets not bicker or argue about who stole what materials...we have some solutions and it shall all work out. This should be a happy occasion!"
You say, "We will be utilizing this Watchtower as the Northern Watch Headquarters, and hosting events and sparring there on a regular basis."
Rifkinn says to you, "How wonderful."
You say to Rifkinn, "You should come by. You would certainly know one when you saw it."
Ishcah says to you, "If you'd like us to negotiate for your tower materials, I'd be most happy to do so, for a price."
Rifkinn says to you, "When we finish thee bridge we will, untill theen our focus is on the bridge."

The invoice submitted to Court Advisor Aaiyaah:

The paper reads: Invoice for the building of the bridge between Theren and Rossman's. Below you will find our itemized bill for services rendered. Please remit payment in full as soon as possible. Supplies: 234,231 platinum Dokoras.  Transportation: 132,431 Platinum Dokoras. Safety Equipment: 90,367 Platinum Dokoras. Labor Costs: 157,313 Platinum Dokors. Total: 614,342 Platinum Dokoras. Your prompt payment to Bagman Ishcah is appreciated.  Embossed at the bottom corner of the invoice is a stylized raven.

Later that evening, Parkons again meets with the Ravens, this time to make the clear that the Northern Watch will do things by force, if necessary.

[El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area]
The quiet surroundings of this picnic area give weary travelers a short break before moving on.
You also see a rum-colored kitten wearing a gleaming unicorn costume with a glittery gold horn, a burly kitten wearing a molten-red firesilk bull costume with riftstone horns, a fluffy black rat, a covered caravan, a tree hollow, a picnic table and the main road.
Also here: Mage Slayer Golameth, Dragon Fighter Tweedee, Underdog Tweedum, Raven's Bagman Ishcah, Sir Madigan, Mrod's Shield Remyngton, Lord Knight Tankata and Bookkeeper Parkons (sitting).

Ishcah says to Parkons, "We've missed you."

Parkons says, "I have been eager to see you again as well human."

Parkons says, "I'd bow, but I'm so comfortable in my seat."

Parkons says, "Please allow the nod to sufice."

Ishcah observes Parkons with fascination.

Ishcah says to "Parkons, I have no questions, as we've made other arrangements.  Unless that is, you'd like to make a better offer."

Tweedee holds his hand out towards Tweedum for a highfive.

Raising their arms up high, Tweedee and Tweedum highfive each other, their hands making a resounding *clap*!

Parkons says, "Indeed, I do have a much better offer."

Tweedum holds his hand out towards Tweedee for a highfive.

Raising their arms up high, Tweedum and Tweedee highfive each other, their hands making a resounding *clap*!

Parkons says, "Let me be brief and to the point."

Ishcah grins at Parkons.

Ishcah says, "Please do."

Parkons says, "The Ravens are fooling no one. No one that matters at least."

Ishcah says, "I genuinely want to hear your offer."

Tweedee squints.

Ishcah grins.

Parkons says, "Your attempts to extort the people of Therengia are clear as glass."

Tweedee gasps!

Ishcah says to Parkons, "We're doing a service, and providing materials for a bridge, that so many of your citizen so desperately desire."

Parkons says, "The Northern Watch, on behalf of all Therengian citizens demands that you return any stolen materials from the construction site."

Tweedee asks, "Stolen!?"

Tweedee rubs a bright yellow construction hat marked with a Therengian white rose labeled Safety Chief.

Tweedum asks, "How did you build that new shinny tower?"

Tweedum winks at Parkons.

Parkons says, "As I said, you do not fool us."

Tweedee nods to Parkons.

Tweedee exclaims, "Yea!"

Tankata says, "Materials that were not that of a bridge."

Ishcah says to Parkons, "We have none of your materials, we suspect the Northern Watch of taking these supplies for their tower."

Remyngton frowns, shaking his head with an expression of exasperation before resting his face in the palm of his hand.

Parkons says, "The materials do not belong to us."

Tweedum says, "Sure, cut the rope bridge build a tower and blame someone else."

Tweedee exclaims, "One thing we agree on!"

Parkons says, "They belong to the province."

>lean dantia
You fold your arms across your chest.

Ishcah exclaims, "We have procured materials through routes certified in origin from Ilithi!"

Golameth places his hand over Tweedee's mouth.

Golameth says, "Shush grown ups are talking."

Ishcah says, "Not your local inflated suplies."

Tweedum says to Parkons, "A cow don't make ham brother."

Remyngton peers quizzically at Tweedum.

Parkons says, "And the rumors have been substantiated since Tweedum showed us stolen materials ealier."

Tweedum whirls about in a bold, flashy manner!

Tweedee gasps at Tweedum!

Parkons says, "I see he dances in response to the accusation."

Ishcah asks, "Stolen materials?"

Tweedum points at Tweedee.

Tweedum points at himself.

Tweedee crosses his arms and points in opposite directions.

Tweedum says, "Thats him, im me."

Tweedee asks, "Whos he talking about then, me or you?"

Ishcah glances at Tweedum.

Parkons says, "We're not here to discuss and you can sort your identities later."

Tweedum says, "Yes."

Tweedee asks, "I mean if he doesnt even know who hes talking about how can he know who stole what from who!?"

Ishcah asks Parkons, "Who stole materials?"

Ishcah looks over Parkons very closely.

You hear the voice of Malkien say, "Birds about, watch your backs.  Raikage, Rifkinn, Chelinde."

Parkons says, "You have until sunset, four anlas from now, to return any stolen materials to the bridge site."

Tankata nods.

Ishcah chuckles.

Parkons stands up.

Tweedee gets a large quartzite block from inside a pulsating eddy of light restrained inside the maw of a mechanical glaes skull.

Tweedee asks, "You mean this?"

Tweedee pats a large quartzite block.

Ishcah casually observes the area.

Tweedee exclaims, "This is for safety briefs!"

Parkons says to Tweedee, "With the utmost sincerity sir."

Tweedee taps a bright yellow construction hat marked with a Therengian white rose labeled "Safety Chief" that he is wearing.

Tweedee exclaims, "Need to open your eyes!"

Parkons fixes Tweedee with a calm, clear stare.

Ishcah chuckles.

>perc health
You close your eyes, drawing all your thoughts inward, and then slowly reach out to sense the life essences of those around you...
You sense:
    The presence of Tweedee.
    The presence of Tweedum.
    The presence of Ishcah.
    The presence of Madigan.
    The presence of Remyngton, a fellow Empath.
    The presence of Tankata.
    The presence of Parkons.
    The presence of a lumbering clockwork giant.
You sense (N) from your current position:
    The presence of Golameth.
    An unidentifiable presence.
Roundtime: 3 seconds

Tweedee asks, "I mean what if this block hit you in the head?"

>push wings
With a look of grim determination, you straighten your shoulders and unfurl your silver wings, displaying rows of sharpened pinions.

Like a miniature dust devil, Tweedee hops spinning wildly into the air!  His trajectory brings him to Parkons with incredible speed.
Tweedee stomps an armored right foot at Parkons.  The foot lands a demolishing hit that deeply rends a smoldering wound into the left bicep, lightly stunning him!  
Tweedee stomps an armored left foot at Parkons.  The foot lands an overwhelming strike (Oooh, Parkons's grandkids are going to feel that one!) that rips the right arm clean off at the shoulder!  

Tweedum exclaims to Tweedee, "Hes not wearing a hard hat!"

>adv twee
You begin to advance on Tweedee.

Tweedee exclaims, "Like that!"

<fighting ensues>

* Rifkinn was just struck down!
* Parkons was just struck down!
* Nideaya was just struck down!
* Raikage was just struck down!
* Tweedee was just struck down!
* Tweedum was just struck down!
* Remyngton was just struck down at North Road, Beech Grove!
* Madigan was just struck down!
* Remyngton was just struck down at Temple, Courtyard!
* Chelinde was just struck down!
* Akeiro rebuffed Tweedee's assassination attempt.

Several days later, on 08/16/2022, the known pirate criminal and prior necromantic ally Srinoja bragged about stealing the already-stolen supplies from the Ravens. She privately whispered small parts of her full message to various people awake at the time, including Zalinyar, Dantia, Raikage, and Mazrian. The message in full:

"Dear sirs and or madams" is a good opening, I s'pose.  Good way to show that you don' particular care 'bout who it's to, yeh?"

"To th' owner of th' property I purportedly posess, yeh?"

"So's, if'n yas wants it back..."

"I figure I'll figure 'at out once I got a moment o' -- 'flection."

"Inna meantime, tho' -- gonna have a bit o' fun."

"Now 'is looks fun, it does.  I reck'n almost as fun as the s'prise I got for a few o' em folk."

"Anyw'y, I s'pose we'll sit down, but first -- I got a bit o' fun to keep pickin'."

"So's, I'm finkin' -- a deal.  I gots somefin' 'ey want, but 'ey don' got somefin' I want."

"Oh, boy.  So's, I'm finkin', yer missin some fings, eh?  An' y' don' know where y' left 'em.  Prolly 'elps if ya don' trust th' company o' criminals, eh?"

"So.  I'm finkin'.  You got some o' 'em fings y' want, right?  An' y' think'em cacawin' folks got it all.  Would be a shame if 'em cawaers...  don' got it all, eh?"

"A big ol' shame, it is.  If only y'knew someone 'ats better at thievin' then 'em cawaers."

"A big ol' shame indeed."

"Kinda fun t' kick a bees' nest, if I'm honest."

"'lright, so 'ere's th' deal.  Just 'cos I like stirrin' trouble, I got something you folk want."

"An, I figure, you're innerested in it.  'fore 'em cacawin' folks get it."

"Might be convinced, if yer so inclined, ta share."

"Or not.  Signed, all-capitals-yer frien' th' pirate.  With hearts above the i."

"An, post-stript - In case it weren't obvious, I got yer stuff.  Heart.  Heart."

She proceeded to dump the supplies back at the bridge construction site, where construction was able to continue.

[Mistwood Forest, North of a Ravine]
A steep-sided ravine breaches the forest floor, leaving a wide gash spanned by a stone bridge.  The freshly cut stones of the construction show little sign of weathering or wear, some still displaying mason's marks or chisel scrapes.  A massive embankment leads the way across.
You also see a lumbering clockwork giant, a crate filled with gifts and a rudimentary framework for a large bridge.
Also here: Maelstrom Raikage, Kintryn, Carnage Darling Dantia and Underdog Tweedum.
Obvious paths: west, northwest.

Srinoja walks into the area casually, glancing awkwardly at you, with a grin.  "Er, wasn't th' whole thing, but 'at's 'nough, I figure.  'sides, I'm kinda bored now.  Anyway, 'ere ya go!"  She holds two fingers to her mouth, and whistles sharply, before disappearing again!

Under the watchful eye of a shadowy supervisor, a barrel of rounded cobblestones is dragged into the area.

>raise eye
You arch your eyebrow.

>get cobble
You take some rounded cobblestones from a barrel of rounded cobblestones.

>apply my cobble to frame
Working ahead of those tending to the larger projects of the structure itself, you fit some rounded cobblestones into place.
[Roundtime: 9 seconds.]

During the final stages of the construction, several Necromancers arrived claiming the Ravens had hired them to provide labor for the build. After the failed extortion attempts, the Ravens apparently sub-contracted cheap labor from the Necromancer Nsar, in the form of Risen. With materials now returned, Nsar, two additional Necromancers (Kretona and Xadon), and a host of Risen arrived at the build site in an attempt to fulfill their side of the contract. Necromancers are banned from Therengia by order of the Baron, and as such were ordered to either assist with completing the bridge (as that was the shortest route out of the province), or leave. Nsar and Kretona refused to leave and were slain.

The bridge was completed sometime late 08/16/2022 or early 08/17/2022. Xadon, the sole necromancer who choose to participate in building, placed the final stone.

[Gyfford's Bridge, Northwest Embankment]
Ascending the steep bank of the ravine across the Mistwood Forest floor, a terraced abutment of stone and mortar supports the cobblestone embankment of the northwest face of this bridge.  Layers of stone follow the gradient of the bridge to provide support, with visible color variation from the granite and quartzite used in its construction.
Obvious paths: north, south.

[Gyfford's Bridge, Deck]
From atop the sturdy construction of the arching bridge, you can observe broken rocks scattered at the bottom of the ravine over a safety wall.  Wind whips through the narrow ravine.  Beneath you, quartzite and granite cobblestone provides a firm support in what would otherwise undoubtedly be a precarious position, a testament to engineering.  A plaque at the pinnacle of the arch marks the dedication of the bridge.
You also see a plaque.
Obvious paths: north, south.

> read plaqu
A plaque reads:
Dedicated in the name of Baron Gyfford Theren, 442 AV.

[Gyfford's Bridge, Southeast Embankment]
The forest has been cleared away from the approach of this bridge, allowing room for a wide abutment that supports an embankment that arcs over the ravine in the Mistwood Forest floor.  Granite and quartzite are layered in a cobblestone pattern, leading upward to a deck supported entirely from the stone construction on each side.
Obvious paths: north, south.