Crossing Monastery Field

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There are four monks which guard the entrance to the fields, where estate holders are able to hunt Death Spirit, Granite Gargoyle, and skunk.

Their shifts rotate by the time of day.

Young Blond Monk

1. Young blond monk - Works from approximately midnight to dawn.

The young monk wears the brown robes associated with the monastery's order. in the dim pre-dawn light it's uncertain whether he is Human or Elven, though his haughty posture suggests he could be Elothean. He frequently brushes his long blond hair away from his eyes and fidgets as he stands at his post.

Slovenly Monk

2. Slovenly monk - Works from approximately dawn to noon.

With his stained robe, stubbly chin, and disgruntled expression, the monk looks like someone kicked from a soft bed and thrust against his will to watch over the fields and thicket. his crooked teeth are stained with tobacco, fingernails are none too clean and the unpleasant aroma hanging in the air doesn't seem to be from the skunks.

Jolly Monk

3. Jolly monk - works from noon until sunset.

Rotund and perpetually smiling, the monk wears a friendly expression in addition to his order's brown robe and sandals. He greets visitors with equal kindness and seems willing to swap gossip or a joke.

Elderly S'kra

4. Elderly S'kra- works from sunset until midnight. Instead of a robe, the aged S'kra Mur monk wears a brown tunic cinched with a golden mesh belt that matches his smooth golden scales. he puffs on a carved pipe thoughtfully as he stands at his post.

The monks belong to the Order of Inquiry, which is headed by Abbot Adano.