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Copperwood at a Glance
Material Type Woods
Colors Copper
Rarity Rare
Cultural Relevance None
Required for Alterations Yes (additional rules)

Copperwood trees are wide-pored trees that grow over copper deposits near the ground's surface. During their growth, they pull the copper from the ground, where it is deposited in their bark.

Copperwood is a beautiful example of a mineral-bearing tree. The rich veins of copper swirl among the patterns of the wood's grain.

Smells bitter when burned.

Alteration Rules

This material is required for alterations.

Not needed for alterations.

Crafting Properties

This is a wood that can be used in crafting.

Universal Properties

Workability Density Value*
15 4 ?

*Single volume value in Kronars.

Physical Properties

Hardness Durability Physical
30 55 35

Bowyer Properties

Stiffness Bend Strength
65 35


Shortbow & Arbalest Longbow & Heavy Crossbow Composite Bow & Light Crossbow
20 95 95

Magical Properties


Raw Material Sources

Random Crafting Material Rewards

Natural Sources

tropical trees


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