Category:Custom titles

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All Custom Titles

TitleTitle requirement
AberrationCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
AbraCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Abyss DoctorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Abyssal ApogeeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Accidental ArsonistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
AcrobatCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Agonite AdventurerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Aisau AmpaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Alaba Sora Sana'atiCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Alchemical MisfitCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Alfar FaeswornCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
AmicableCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Anger's ManagementCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Apocalyptic HorsemanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Apparently ApatheticCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Arbiter's ScribeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Arcane ConsortCustom title bestowed by Zipsy upon Agalea Al'thor during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Arcane DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Arcane MalcontentCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
ArchdruidCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Archmagus of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Armored BehemothCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Artist (Custom)Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
AspirationalCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Aspiring AscendantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Asren ZirneklisCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Astral AnomalyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
AstromancerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Atrabilious HemopathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Avatar of ChadatruCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Avren NardenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Back Alley HackCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Bacon BanditCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Bag of BonesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Bahaya IsroCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Baking InstructorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Barbaric MastermindCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Barmaid ConnoisseurCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
BaroCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BarracudaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Bass MasterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Bastion of LifeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Bastion of LightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Battlefront PreserverCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Bawdy BardessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Be'ort's TearCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BeggarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Best BeardCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BitterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Bizar'Sora'OndCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Black DogCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Black Market KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Black SheepCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Blade SpiderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Blade SpinnerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
BladedancerCustom title won as part of Su Helmas: Make Haste! 444.
Blazing BloodCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Blight's EnchantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
BlightwatcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Blood WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Blue FlameCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Bog OrchidCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Bog ThingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Bog WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
BoltproofCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Booze ConnoisseurCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BoozehoundCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Box KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BrainlessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Breaker of ChainsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
BrewmasterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Bridge CompletionistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Broken DollCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Brutish MiscreantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
BuccaneerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Budget BurglarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Bunny PirateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Caffeinated CaregiverCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Caffeine's ComradeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Candy AppleCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Candy PirateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Card Collector KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Card QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Carnage DarlingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Cartography DoyenLTB custom title
CateressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Caustic CaressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Chakrel HeartCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
ChaosCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
ChaoticCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
ChocolatierCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Cigar AficionadoCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Coin CannonadeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Combat FailureCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Community VoiceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Connector of WorldsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Coralite QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Corpse RunCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Cosmic QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
CourtierCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Cranky TeacherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Crimson EyeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Critter CaretakerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Crystal WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Damsel of DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Danger GnomeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Danger WizardCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Dark AlchemistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dark MagusCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Dark NightingaleCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dark ProphetCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dark SummonerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
DawnbladeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Death SentenceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Death's BladeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Death's CycloneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Death's ExecutionerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Death's ShadowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
DeathsmithCustom title earned to Sekmeht via LTB Points.
Deepwood SniperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
DeharmonizerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Demon HunterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Demon SlayerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Desert BlossomCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Desert DancerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Desert SpiritCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Dewdrop DuchessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Diminutive DaredevilCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Divine HeraldCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Divine PhalanxCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Doctor of KittensCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Doing FineCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Dragon BossCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dragon CharmerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dragon High LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dragon HunterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dragon SlayerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Dragon WorshipperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Dragon of TyriumCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Dragon of the IslesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dragon's BreathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dragon's ChampionCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dragon's ForgeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dragon's ShadowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
DragonbloodCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Dream KillerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dream MakerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
DuskbladeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Edbostit ut HoldCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Edge of the MoonsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Elamiri LadyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Elamiri LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Eldritch ArbiterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Eldritch WretchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Electric DangerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Elemental AvatarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Elemental FirestormCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Elemental OntologistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Emerald HeiressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Endless AbyssCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Enelne's ChampionCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
EntangledCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
ErshtaCustom title bestowed by a GMNPC during a roleplaying event.
EsotericistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Essayist of the SandsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Essence of the ForestCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Eternal JudgementCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Eternal NightmareCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Everlasting NightmareCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Ex-husbandCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Exalted MonkCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Experimental EngineerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Exquisite FirebugCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Eyes of the DesertCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Eyes of the LionCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Faenella's FistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Fallen KnightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Fallen StarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Fashionably LateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Fiery SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Fire WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
FirestarterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
FirestormCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Flagrant VagrantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Flameforged WarlockCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Flawless MercyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Folk HeroCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Folk ResearcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Follower of MeraudCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Foolish MortalCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Forest SpriteCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Fortunate SonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
FostradinCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Fractured SoulCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Friendship MageCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Frost PrinceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Frost PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Frostborn PiperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Frostfang WraithCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Fruna del EnelneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Gemfire FlameCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Geshemen MalcisAwarded to the winner of the thrusting blade during Drathrok's Duskruin 438's raffle.
Ghost of the ForestCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Gishen SiranCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Glitter DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Glitter FairyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Glitter WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
GlitterbugCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Glittering DelightCustom title won as part of the Droughtman's Challenge 441.
Gore EnthusiastCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
GreatCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Green DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Green MountainCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Grey EmpathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Grumpy OldtimerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
GuttersnipeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Gypsy BaroCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Haibin vaz HauyonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Hammer of DamarisCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Hand of OuroborosCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Hater of HerbsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Healing PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
HeartbeatCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Heggarangi'n'lataCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Heir to the FontCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Helping HandCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Herald of NightmaresCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Herb MessiahCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Hidden DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Hierarch of RascalityCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
History's VoiceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Hoarder of ScrollsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
HollowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
HomelessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Honey BeeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Hopelessly LostCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
How NowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Huldah's SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Ice KnightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Iluhesha NaminaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
ImaginaryCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Incorrigible FlirtCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Indifference IncarnateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Indomitable FortressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
InebriatedCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Infernal ButcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Innocent BystanderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Inscrutable MaskCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
InvincibleCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Iron RevelerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Izzu'hhr Ssh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Jack of All BoozeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Jade LotusCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
JailbrokenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Java JumperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Jewel of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
JunkyardCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Keeper of the BoneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
King of the BarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Kingpin (Custom)Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Kitten QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Kitten SnugglerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Knight CommanderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Knight ErrantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Knight of MeraudCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Labor OrganizerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Lady KnightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Lady of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lady of FlowersCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Lady of FrostbiteCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lady of the ArtsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lady of the WatchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Lanahh Pejek'zhraCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Launur RaganaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Legendary BarkeepCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Legendary SmugglerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Leshya VesaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Life BinderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Light of the DivineCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Light's ManaclesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
LightbringerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Lightning LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Little HowlerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Little ShrikeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Lord of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lord of the DrinkCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lost HunterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Lucent ChaosCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Mad PirateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Mage SlayerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Magenta PawCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
MagpieCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
MaidservantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
MalpractitionerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Master ArtificerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Master EnchanterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Master of DragonsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Master of EyesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Master of MaggotsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Master of NoneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Math WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
MathemagicianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mediator of ExterminationCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Melyo Cermin'aCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Meraud's HandCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
MetalworkerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
MightyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Misbehaving MischiefCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mischief MakerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mister PurrCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mistress of EyesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mistress of StitchesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mistress of TartsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Mocha MedicCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
ModestCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Molten LadyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Monkey ManagerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Moonborn LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Mountain LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
MountainbornCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Mute ArachnomancerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Naratali ElotaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Nature's WarlockCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Nedora we OrasCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
NewswomanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Nizaye vaz NasonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Nogarsot del AkrenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Notoriously InnocentCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Novice DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Old PaladinCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Olumni LiscisCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Ongoing ConcernCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Only OneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Ostensibly OrdinaryCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
OutcastMust be a member of the Outland Tribe of the Outcast Tribes.
Owl of KermoriaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Pack DoctorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Paladin of EylhaarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Paragon of JusticeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Paragon of ShadowsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Party AnimalCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
PeashooterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Penniless GeologistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
People's ChampionCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Perjurer of FateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
PerpetratorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Perverse DivaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Phantom JudgeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Phelim's VengeanceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
PhilomathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Picnic BasketcaseCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Pink PaladinCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Pirate-in-TrainingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Pivo'hrr'shuzh Dako'giCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Pixie PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Plague DoctorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Planar PilgrimCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Planar ResearcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Poho Ur'ShorasaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
PolymathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Potato PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Power HuggerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Primal BehemothCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Prison GuardCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Prowler of the CanopyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Psionic BlademasterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Punka HoarderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Punky PixieCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Puppy CollectorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Queen BeeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Queen of HeartsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Queen of SummoningCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Rainbow CollectorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Rainbow DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Rallying PointCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Ranger DangerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Rat KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Rath'a Aggahh'urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Raven QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Raven's BagmanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Raven's BladeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Raven's InstigatorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Raven's MixologistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Raven's ShadowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Recluse SpiderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Relic of the GroveCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
RenegadeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Retired ForgemasterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
RowdyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Ruins Crawler (Custom)Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Rutilor's RadianceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Sacred GuardianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Sagden MahaiCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
SapphireCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Saucy SailorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Savage SnackerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Scorched WyvernCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Scurrilous ReprobateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Searing CounterpointCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Searing SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Sedulous SculptorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Seord DelwenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Serial HealerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Sfarns del DziveCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Shadow AlchemistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Shadow DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Shadow DreamerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Shadow ReaderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Shadow of DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Shadow of the IslesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Shah'ssh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Shambler of the VoidCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shard of GrazhirCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shard's DarlingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Shel BaskanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Shhrtel Shh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Shield of DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Shield of EylhaarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Shield of StarlightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shining ShieldCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shopping ChroniclerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shoreline ShantymanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Siege DestroyerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Siege GeneralCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Siegery CommanderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Siegery MastermindCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Silver FoxCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Silversteel EnchanterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Siren of the SeasCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Slo'Shh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Slo'shh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Small WonderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Smoking SoulCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Smooth CriminalCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Smuggler KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
SnugglebugCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Son of UshnishCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Son of a GelapodCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Song of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
SongbirdCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Sonorous VoiceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Soul AnnihilatorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Soul ButcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Soya Tayeu'aCustom title for the raffle winner of a stormtouched silverwood staff crackling with barely contained electrical energies, awarded during Su Helmas: The Forbidden Temple 434.
Spear of AlbariaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Spectral DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Spectre of DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Spiciest ChefCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Sshr'ssh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Star-CrossedCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
StardustCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Starlight QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Starlight ScholarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Stars' SilenceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Steelscale InvokerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Stellar CartographerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Stellar CulinarianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Stellar StatisticianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Steppe WindspeakerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Stoneclan TheologianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Storm SurvivorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Stormlord of AlbariaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Strawberry NurseCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
StrayCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Strife's EndCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Student of LifeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Stura ShomisCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
SubjectCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Sultan of AshCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Sultry SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Sun TouchedCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Super NoviceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
SupernovaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Suspicious SnakeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Swamp DruidCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Swamp WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Sword SageCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Sword SaintCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Sycophantic ServantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Sylvan LadyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Sylvan SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
TallnahCustom title bestowed by a GMNPC during a roleplaying event.
Tart KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Tart SnobCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
TartlingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tattooed MageCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Tear FreeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tear ReaperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Telothian PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Tempest KnightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Tempestuous TrailblazerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Terrible (Custom)Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Test SubjectCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Theater PromoterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Timekeeper AspirantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tiny TerrorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tiny TuneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Tipsy TrailblazerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Titan's OathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
ToastmistressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
... further results

Other Custom Titles (Roleplaying Events / Raffle Dispensers)

TitleTitle requirement
ErshtaCustom title bestowed by a GMNPC during a roleplaying event.
Geshemen MalcisAwarded to the winner of the thrusting blade during Drathrok's Duskruin 438's raffle.
OutcastMust be a member of the Outland Tribe of the Outcast Tribes.
Soya Tayeu'aCustom title for the raffle winner of a stormtouched silverwood staff crackling with barely contained electrical energies, awarded during Su Helmas: The Forbidden Temple 434.
TallnahCustom title bestowed by a GMNPC during a roleplaying event.
YhtrinCustom title bestowed by a GMNPC during a roleplaying event.

Zipsy's Custom Titles

All Zipsy Titles

TitleTitle requirement
AberrationCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
AbraCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Abyss DoctorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Abyssal ApogeeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Accidental ArsonistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
AcrobatCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Agonite AdventurerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Aisau AmpaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Alaba Sora Sana'atiCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Alchemical MisfitCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Alfar FaeswornCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
AmicableCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Anger's ManagementCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Apocalyptic HorsemanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Apparently ApatheticCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Arbiter's ScribeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Arcane ConsortCustom title bestowed by Zipsy upon Agalea Al'thor during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Arcane DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Arcane MalcontentCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
ArchdruidCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Archmagus of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Armored BehemothCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Artist (Custom)Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
AspirationalCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Aspiring AscendantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Asren ZirneklisCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Astral AnomalyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
AstromancerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Atrabilious HemopathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Avatar of ChadatruCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Avren NardenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Back Alley HackCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Bacon BanditCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Bag of BonesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Bahaya IsroCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Baking InstructorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Barbaric MastermindCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Barmaid ConnoisseurCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
BaroCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BarracudaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Bass MasterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Bastion of LifeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Bastion of LightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Battlefront PreserverCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Bawdy BardessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Be'ort's TearCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BeggarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Best BeardCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BitterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Bizar'Sora'OndCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Black DogCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Black Market KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Black SheepCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Blade SpiderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Blade SpinnerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Blazing BloodCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Blight's EnchantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
BlightwatcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Blood WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Blue FlameCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Bog OrchidCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Bog ThingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Bog WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
BoltproofCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Booze ConnoisseurCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BoozehoundCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Box KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BrainlessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Breaker of ChainsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
BrewmasterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Bridge CompletionistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Broken DollCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Brutish MiscreantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
BuccaneerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Budget BurglarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Bunny PirateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Caffeinated CaregiverCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Caffeine's ComradeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Candy AppleCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Candy PirateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Card Collector KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Card QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Carnage DarlingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
CateressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Caustic CaressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Chakrel HeartCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
ChaosCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
ChaoticCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
ChocolatierCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Cigar AficionadoCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Coin CannonadeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Combat FailureCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Community VoiceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Connector of WorldsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Coralite QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Corpse RunCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Cosmic QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
CourtierCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Cranky TeacherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Crimson EyeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Critter CaretakerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Crystal WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Damsel of DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Danger GnomeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Danger WizardCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Dark AlchemistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dark MagusCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Dark NightingaleCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dark ProphetCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dark SummonerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
DawnbladeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Death SentenceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Death's BladeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Death's CycloneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Death's ExecutionerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Death's ShadowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Deepwood SniperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
DeharmonizerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Demon HunterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Demon SlayerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Desert BlossomCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Desert DancerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Desert SpiritCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Dewdrop DuchessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Diminutive DaredevilCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Divine HeraldCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Divine PhalanxCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Doctor of KittensCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Doing FineCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Dragon BossCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dragon CharmerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dragon High LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dragon HunterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dragon SlayerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Dragon WorshipperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Dragon of TyriumCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Dragon of the IslesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dragon's BreathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dragon's ChampionCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dragon's ForgeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dragon's ShadowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
DragonbloodCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Dream KillerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dream MakerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
DuskbladeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Edbostit ut HoldCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Edge of the MoonsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Elamiri LadyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Elamiri LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Eldritch ArbiterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Eldritch WretchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Electric DangerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Elemental AvatarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Elemental FirestormCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Elemental OntologistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Emerald HeiressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Endless AbyssCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Enelne's ChampionCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
EntangledCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
EsotericistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Essayist of the SandsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Essence of the ForestCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Eternal JudgementCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Eternal NightmareCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Everlasting NightmareCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Ex-husbandCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Exalted MonkCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Experimental EngineerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Exquisite FirebugCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Eyes of the DesertCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Eyes of the LionCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Faenella's FistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Fallen KnightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Fallen StarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Fashionably LateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Fiery SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Fire WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
FirestarterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
FirestormCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Flagrant VagrantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Flameforged WarlockCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Flawless MercyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Folk HeroCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Folk ResearcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Follower of MeraudCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Foolish MortalCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Forest SpriteCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Fortunate SonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
FostradinCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Fractured SoulCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Friendship MageCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Frost PrinceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Frost PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Frostborn PiperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Frostfang WraithCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Fruna del EnelneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Gemfire FlameCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Ghost of the ForestCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Gishen SiranCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Glitter DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Glitter FairyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Glitter WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
GlitterbugCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Gore EnthusiastCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
GreatCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Green DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Green MountainCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Grey EmpathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Grumpy OldtimerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
GuttersnipeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Gypsy BaroCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Haibin vaz HauyonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Hammer of DamarisCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Hand of OuroborosCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Hater of HerbsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Healing PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
HeartbeatCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Heggarangi'n'lataCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Heir to the FontCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Helping HandCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Herald of NightmaresCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Herb MessiahCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Hidden DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Hierarch of RascalityCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
History's VoiceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Hoarder of ScrollsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
HollowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
HomelessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Honey BeeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Hopelessly LostCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
How NowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Huldah's SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Ice KnightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Iluhesha NaminaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
ImaginaryCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Incorrigible FlirtCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Indifference IncarnateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Indomitable FortressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
InebriatedCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Infernal ButcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Innocent BystanderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Inscrutable MaskCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
InvincibleCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Iron RevelerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Izzu'hhr Ssh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Jack of All BoozeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Jade LotusCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
JailbrokenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Java JumperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Jewel of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
JunkyardCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Keeper of the BoneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
King of the BarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Kingpin (Custom)Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Kitten QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Kitten SnugglerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Knight CommanderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Knight ErrantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Knight of MeraudCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Labor OrganizerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Lady KnightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Lady of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lady of FlowersCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Lady of FrostbiteCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lady of the ArtsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lady of the WatchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Lanahh Pejek'zhraCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Launur RaganaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Legendary BarkeepCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Legendary SmugglerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Leshya VesaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Life BinderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Light of the DivineCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Light's ManaclesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
LightbringerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Lightning LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Little HowlerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Little ShrikeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Lord of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lord of the DrinkCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lost HunterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Lucent ChaosCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Mad PirateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Mage SlayerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Magenta PawCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
MagpieCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
MaidservantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
MalpractitionerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Master ArtificerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Master EnchanterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Master of DragonsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Master of EyesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Master of MaggotsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Master of NoneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Math WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
MathemagicianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mediator of ExterminationCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Melyo Cermin'aCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Meraud's HandCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
MetalworkerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
MightyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Misbehaving MischiefCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mischief MakerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mister PurrCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mistress of EyesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mistress of StitchesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mistress of TartsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Mocha MedicCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
ModestCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Molten LadyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Monkey ManagerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Moonborn LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Mountain LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
MountainbornCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Mute ArachnomancerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Naratali ElotaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Nature's WarlockCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Nedora we OrasCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
NewswomanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Nizaye vaz NasonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Nogarsot del AkrenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Notoriously InnocentCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Novice DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Old PaladinCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Olumni LiscisCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Ongoing ConcernCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Only OneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Ostensibly OrdinaryCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Owl of KermoriaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Pack DoctorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Paladin of EylhaarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Paragon of JusticeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Paragon of ShadowsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Party AnimalCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
PeashooterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Penniless GeologistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
People's ChampionCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Perjurer of FateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
PerpetratorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Perverse DivaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Phantom JudgeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Phelim's VengeanceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
PhilomathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Picnic BasketcaseCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Pink PaladinCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Pirate-in-TrainingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Pivo'hrr'shuzh Dako'giCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Pixie PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Plague DoctorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Planar PilgrimCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Planar ResearcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Poho Ur'ShorasaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
PolymathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Potato PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Power HuggerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Primal BehemothCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Prison GuardCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Prowler of the CanopyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Psionic BlademasterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Punka HoarderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Punky PixieCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Puppy CollectorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Queen BeeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Queen of HeartsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Queen of SummoningCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Rainbow CollectorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Rainbow DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Rallying PointCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Ranger DangerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Rat KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Rath'a Aggahh'urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Raven QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Raven's BagmanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Raven's BladeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Raven's InstigatorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Raven's MixologistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Raven's ShadowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Recluse SpiderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Relic of the GroveCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
RenegadeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Retired ForgemasterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
RowdyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Ruins Crawler (Custom)Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Rutilor's RadianceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Sacred GuardianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Sagden MahaiCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
SapphireCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Saucy SailorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Savage SnackerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Scorched WyvernCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Scurrilous ReprobateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Searing CounterpointCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Searing SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Sedulous SculptorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Seord DelwenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Serial HealerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Sfarns del DziveCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Shadow AlchemistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Shadow DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Shadow DreamerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Shadow ReaderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Shadow of DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Shadow of the IslesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Shah'ssh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Shambler of the VoidCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shard of GrazhirCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shard's DarlingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Shel BaskanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Shhrtel Shh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Shield of DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Shield of EylhaarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Shield of StarlightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shining ShieldCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shopping ChroniclerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shoreline ShantymanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Siege DestroyerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Siege GeneralCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Siegery CommanderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Siegery MastermindCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Silver FoxCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Silversteel EnchanterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Siren of the SeasCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Slo'Shh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Slo'shh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Small WonderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Smoking SoulCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Smooth CriminalCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Smuggler KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
SnugglebugCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Son of UshnishCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Son of a GelapodCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Song of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
SongbirdCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Sonorous VoiceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Soul AnnihilatorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Soul ButcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Spear of AlbariaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Spectral DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Spectre of DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Spiciest ChefCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Sshr'ssh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Star-CrossedCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
StardustCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Starlight QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Starlight ScholarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Stars' SilenceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Steelscale InvokerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Stellar CartographerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Stellar CulinarianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Stellar StatisticianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Steppe WindspeakerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Stoneclan TheologianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Storm SurvivorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Stormlord of AlbariaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Strawberry NurseCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
StrayCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Strife's EndCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Student of LifeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Stura ShomisCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
SubjectCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Sultan of AshCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Sultry SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Sun TouchedCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Super NoviceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
SupernovaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Suspicious SnakeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Swamp DruidCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Swamp WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Sword SageCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Sword SaintCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Sycophantic ServantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Sylvan LadyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Sylvan SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tart KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Tart SnobCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
TartlingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tattooed MageCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Tear FreeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tear ReaperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Telothian PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Tempest KnightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Tempestuous TrailblazerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Terrible (Custom)Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Test SubjectCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Theater PromoterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Timekeeper AspirantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tiny TerrorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tiny TuneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Tipsy TrailblazerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Titan's OathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
ToastmistressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Totally BefuddledCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Touch of GreyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
TransientCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
Treasure MavenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 450.
TricksterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Tried and TrueCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
True WarriorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
True to LifeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
TrustworthyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
... further results

Hollow Eve Festival 428

TitleTitle requirement
Atrabilious HemopathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Bahaya IsroCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Barbaric MastermindCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Blood WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Caffeine's ComradeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
ChocolatierCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Cigar AficionadoCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Crystal WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dark AlchemistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Death's ExecutionerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dragon CharmerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dragon's BreathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dragon's ChampionCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Dragon's ForgeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Eternal NightmareCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Eyes of the LionCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Fallen KnightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Fortunate SonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Fractured SoulCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Gemfire FlameCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Gore EnthusiastCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
How NowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Infernal ButcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Kitten QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Kitten SnugglerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Legendary SmugglerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Life BinderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Light's ManaclesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Lightning LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Little ShrikeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Melyo Cermin'aCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Mistress of TartsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Monkey ManagerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
MountainbornCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Nizaye vaz NasonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Penniless GeologistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Queen of HeartsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Relic of the GroveCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Sacred GuardianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Shadow AlchemistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Shhrtel Shh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Shield of DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Slo'shh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Sonorous VoiceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Soul ButcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Swamp DruidCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Tart KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Totally BefuddledCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
True to LifeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Twilight WardenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Undead ArchitectCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
ValpaturCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Vision SageCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Void CollectorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Wandering EmberCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Wayward DiscipleCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Wayward ShadowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Wayward WolfCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Westan AudruCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Western WrathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Winged-Kitten FriendCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Winter SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.

Hollow Eve Festival 432

TitleTitle requirement
Abyssal ApogeeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Accidental ArsonistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Alfar FaeswornCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Apparently ApatheticCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Arbiter's ScribeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Arcane DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Baking InstructorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Barmaid ConnoisseurCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
BlightwatcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Bog OrchidCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Carnage DarlingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Death's ShadowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Demon HunterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Demon SlayerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Dragon SlayerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Dragon WorshipperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Fallen StarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
FostradinCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Friendship MageCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Green DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Grumpy OldtimerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Gypsy BaroCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Hand of OuroborosCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Helping HandCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
History's VoiceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Hoarder of ScrollsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Hopelessly LostCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
ImaginaryCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Iron RevelerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Izzu'hhr Ssh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Jack of All BoozeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Lucent ChaosCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Mad PirateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Molten LadyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Paragon of JusticeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Planar ResearcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Rainbow DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Ruins Crawler (Custom)Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Scurrilous ReprobateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Seord DelwenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Shadow DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Shah'ssh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Shel BaskanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Siege DestroyerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Silversteel EnchanterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Siren of the SeasCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Smoking SoulCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Spectral DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Sshr'ssh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
SupernovaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Suspicious SnakeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Sword SaintCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Sylvan LadyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Tattooed MageCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Test SubjectCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
TricksterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Tried and TrueCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
True WarriorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Umbra SpiderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
UniversalistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Unliving TruthCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
UnorthodoxCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Valta VarnaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Void GuardianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Volcanic WoeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
War CriminalCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Wheel BreakerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Wild MagicCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Winter EnchantressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Winter's HeartCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Working ClassCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.
Yrak'ssh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 432.

Hollow Eve Festival 436

TitleTitle requirement
Aisau AmpaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
AmicableCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Arcane ConsortCustom title bestowed by Zipsy upon Agalea Al'thor during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
ArchdruidCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Armored BehemothCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Aspiring AscendantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BaroCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Bastion of LifeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Be'ort's TearCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Best BeardCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BitterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Bizar'Sora'OndCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Black Market KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BoltproofCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Booze ConnoisseurCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Box KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
BrewmasterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Candy AppleCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Card Collector KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Card QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Caustic CaressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Chakrel HeartCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
ChaosCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Connector of WorldsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Cosmic QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Cranky TeacherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Crimson EyeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Critter CaretakerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dark NightingaleCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dark ProphetCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Divine HeraldCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dragon BossCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dragon High LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dragon HunterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dragon of the IslesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Dream KillerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Eldritch ArbiterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Emerald HeiressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
EsotericistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Essayist of the SandsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Eternal JudgementCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Everlasting NightmareCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Faenella's FistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Fashionably LateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Fire WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
FirestarterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
FirestormCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Folk HeroCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Frost PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Frostfang WraithCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Gishen SiranCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Glitter DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
GuttersnipeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Haibin vaz HauyonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Hammer of DamarisCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Hidden DragonCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
HollowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Iluhesha NaminaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Incorrigible FlirtCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Indifference IncarnateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Innocent BystanderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Jewel of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Knight CommanderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lady of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lady of FrostbiteCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lady of the ArtsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Launur RaganaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Leshya VesaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lord of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Lord of the DrinkCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Magenta PawCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
MaidservantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Master ArtificerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
MetalworkerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Moonborn LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Mountain LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Nature's WarlockCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
NewswomanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
People's ChampionCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Perjurer of FateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Phelim's VengeanceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
PhilomathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Prison GuardCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Queen BeeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Rainbow CollectorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Rat KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Rath'a Aggahh'urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Recluse SpiderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Rutilor's RadianceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Shadow DreamerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Shadow of DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Siege GeneralCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Silver FoxCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Slo'Shh'oiyvh-urCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Small WonderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Smuggler KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Star-CrossedCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Starlight QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Steppe WindspeakerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Stormlord of AlbariaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
StrayCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Stura ShomisCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Sultan of AshCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Sultry SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Swamp WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Sycophantic ServantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Tempest KnightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Terrible (Custom)Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Titan's OathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
TrustworthyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Twilight NightingaleCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Twilight TipplerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Unabated NarcissistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Unburnt TempestCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Unicorn KingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Unstoppable ForceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Valorous ValkyrieCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Vitality BrokerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
War 'TogCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
War BossCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
WaterweaverCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Well TraveledCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
YaranisloaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Yovaro Vayato KodavuCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Zeveu av LehozaetaenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.

Hollow Eve Festival 439

TitleTitle requirement
AcrobatCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Arcane MalcontentCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Archmagus of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Artist (Custom)Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
AspirationalCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Avren NardenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Bag of BonesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
BarracudaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Black SheepCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Blade SpiderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Blade SpinnerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Blue FlameCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Brutish MiscreantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Budget BurglarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Caffeinated CaregiverCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Combat FailureCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Corpse RunCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Danger WizardCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Dark SummonerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Death's BladeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Divine PhalanxCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Doing FineCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Dream MakerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
DuskbladeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Edbostit ut HoldCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Elamiri LadyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Elamiri LordCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Elemental AvatarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
EntangledCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Essence of the ForestCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Ex-husbandCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Exalted MonkCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Fiery SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Folk ResearcherCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Foolish MortalCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Forest SpriteCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Glitter WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Heggarangi'n'lataCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 436.
Herald of NightmaresCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Honey BeeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Huldah's SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Indomitable FortressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
InebriatedCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
King of the BarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Knight of MeraudCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Lady KnightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Lady of FlowersCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Lanahh Pejek'zhraCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 428.
Legendary BarkeepCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Little HowlerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Lost HunterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mage SlayerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
MagpieCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
MalpractitionerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Master EnchanterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Master of DragonsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Master of EyesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
MathemagicianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Misbehaving MischiefCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mischief MakerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mister PurrCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mistress of EyesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Mistress of StitchesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Nedora we OrasCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Notoriously InnocentCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Pack DoctorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Pink PaladinCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Pirate-in-TrainingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Pivo'hrr'shuzh Dako'giCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
PolymathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Primal BehemothCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Prowler of the CanopyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Punka HoarderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Rallying PointCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Raven's BagmanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Sagden MahaiCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Saucy SailorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Scorched WyvernCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Searing CounterpointCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Serial HealerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Shadow of the IslesCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Shield of EylhaarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Siegery MastermindCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Son of a GelapodCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Song of ElamiriCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
SongbirdCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Soul AnnihilatorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Spectre of DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
StardustCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Stars' SilenceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Stellar CartographerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Sun TouchedCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Super NoviceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Sylvan SirenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tart SnobCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
TartlingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tear FreeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tempestuous TrailblazerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Timekeeper AspirantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tiny TerrorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Tipsy TrailblazerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Unbreakable StrongholdCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Valta VilksCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Walking ArmoryCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Warbling WildflowerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
WhipstitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Witch of the WildsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Witchy WomanCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Woodland PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.
Word MistressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 439.

Hollow Eve Festival 443

TitleTitle requirement
AberrationCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Agonite AdventurerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Alaba Sora Sana'atiCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Anger's ManagementCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Astral AnomalyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Avatar of ChadatruCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Bastion of LightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
BeggarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Black DogCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Bog ThingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Breaker of ChainsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Bridge CompletionistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Bunny PirateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
ChaoticCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Damsel of DeathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Danger GnomeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
DawnbladeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Death's CycloneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Dragon of TyriumCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Dragon's ShadowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
DragonbloodCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Edge of the MoonsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Eldritch WretchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Elemental FirestormCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Elemental OntologistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Experimental EngineerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Exquisite FirebugCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Fruna del EnelneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
GlitterbugCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Grey EmpathCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Healing PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
HeartbeatCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Ice KnightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Keeper of the BoneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Kingpin (Custom)Custom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Labor OrganizerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Master of MaggotsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Master of NoneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Math WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Mediator of ExterminationCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Meraud's HandCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Mocha MedicCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Mute ArachnomancerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Nogarsot del AkrenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Olumni LiscisCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Ongoing ConcernCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Ostensibly OrdinaryCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Owl of KermoriaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Paladin of EylhaarCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Paragon of ShadowsCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
PerpetratorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Plague DoctorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Poho Ur'ShorasaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Power HuggerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Punky PixieCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Queen of SummoningCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Ranger DangerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Raven QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Raven's InstigatorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Sedulous SculptorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Sfarns del DziveCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Shadow ReaderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Shard's DarlingCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Siegery CommanderCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Smooth CriminalCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
SnugglebugCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Spear of AlbariaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Spiciest ChefCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Steelscale InvokerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Strife's EndCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Student of LifeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
SubjectCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Tear ReaperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Theater PromoterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Touch of GreyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
TruthseekerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Tursa ForgemistressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Unicorn WrestlerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Urrem'tier's StingerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
VesperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
WarforgedCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Wharf WolfCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
WidowmancerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Wound MagnetCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.
Zawra VilksCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 443.

Hollow Eve Festival 447

TitleTitle requirement
AbraCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Alchemical MisfitCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Asren ZirneklisCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
AstromancerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Back Alley HackCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Bass MasterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Battlefront PreserverCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Bawdy BardessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Blazing BloodCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Blight's EnchantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Bog WitchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Broken DollCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Candy PirateCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
CateressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Coin CannonadeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Community VoiceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Coralite QueenCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
CourtierCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Dark MagusCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Death SentenceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Deepwood SniperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Desert DancerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Desert SpiritCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Diminutive DaredevilCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Doctor of KittensCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Eyes of the DesertCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Flagrant VagrantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Flameforged WarlockCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Flawless MercyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Follower of MeraudCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Frost PrinceCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Frostborn PiperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Ghost of the ForestCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Glitter FairyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
GreatCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Green MountainCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Heir to the FontCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Herb MessiahCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Hierarch of RascalityCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
HomelessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
JunkyardCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Knight ErrantCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Lady of the WatchCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Light of the DivineCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
LightbringerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
MightyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
ModestCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Naratali ElotaCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Only OneCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
PeashooterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Phantom JudgeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Pixie PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Planar PilgrimCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Potato PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Psionic BlademasterCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Puppy CollectorCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Raven's BladeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Raven's MixologistCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Raven's ShadowCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
RenegadeCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
RowdyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
SapphireCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Savage SnackerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shambler of the VoidCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shard of GrazhirCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shield of StarlightCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shining ShieldCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Shopping ChroniclerCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Son of UshnishCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Stellar CulinarianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Stellar StatisticianCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Strawberry NurseCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Sword SageCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Telothian PrincessCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
ToastmistressCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
TyphoidCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Vela'Tohr KeeperCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Voksrig LuckyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Whimsical LadyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
White GladiolusCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Woodland's MercyCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.
Zero HeroCustom title bestowed by Zipsy during Hollow Eve Festival 447.

Pages in category "Custom titles"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 584 total.

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