Dunshade: Echo of Tears

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This was a Simutronics-run paid quest originally run in 2000, and then run again in May of 2009.

2000 Description

Dunshade: An Echo of Tears

A second mirror is found in the manor, containing a much more potent evil than the first. Where does it lead? Can you survive finding out?

This event's QUEST TYPE is short one day. Please type QUEST POLICY DUNSHADE for more information on this event.

2009 Description

From the website [1]

Dunshade Manor and the undead that inhabit it are once again restless. Has the recent scourge of undead reawakened old nightmares best forgotten? Has Lyras's appearance spawned dangers that threaten Riverhaven's peaceful slumber? Can Dunshade ever be made safe to inhabit, or will the manor claim yet more lives? Find these answers as well as puzzles, fights, and dangers galore as you become a part of the continuing saga of the Dunshade Manor!

Death, destruction, and haunts galore; Dunshade's bloody history is about to be repeated if someone doesn't do something!

How about you?

Years ago, Dunshade claimed the lives of a family. Byron, Tatia and their child Laurel were killed. Rumors surrounding their death have been gossiped about over meals, drinks, windowsills and just for the sake of keeping the story alive. Some say it was Byron's jealousy, others say that the house just holds an evil that no one will ever understand, but still more say that there was a nanny, left out of many of the stories, who drove Lord Byron to kill his family. Some even say she was instructed to do so by Dergati. Though no one truly knows what happened to her, some say that she followed Byron out of the window in the attic, falling to her death.

Over the years Dunshade Manor fell into ruins. The people of the city of Riverhaven decided they no longer wanted to be responsible for the upkeep of grounds. The office of the Mayor asked the Baron's permission to sell this seemingly worthless property. The Baron gave this permission with two conditions. He would get a large percentage of the sale, and the sale of the manor would also be kept secret from everyone until the last possible minute. But in this world of corrupt dealings and greedy officials, the secret wasn't kept for long.

It was decided that the deed to Dunshade Manor would be auctioned off at the upcoming Ice Festival. The deed was delivered in a plain parcel just as the auction started. An elegant Human man named Lalbot Porthage stepped forward and announced that there was no need to open bidding on the deed, as he was willing to pay 20,000 plats for it! The deal was sealed, and he took possession of the deed. Nothing more was heard from him until he moved, along with his wife Faysien and son Trenthal, into a small refurbished house in Haven that once belonged to Arinni, the departed Elothean aristocrat. There, they begin their search for the perfect person to help cleanse this old house, when a mysterious man turns up claiming to be a famous ghost hunter.

As Dunshade enters this new era, reports of strange things have been trickling out of the manor as though it is rebelling. The ghosts have been stirring with more frequency and there have even been rumors of a second mirror being found someplace in the manor. Is the house up to its usual tricks? Could Dergati be involved? Is the ghost hunter all that he says? Can Dunshade ever be safe to inhabit? Or will the manor claim yet more lives? Find these answers as well as puzzles, fights, and dangers galore as you become a part of the continuing saga of the Dunshade Manor!

Important Quest Information: Being a haunted quest, you can expect spooks galore, and no guarantee that they will let you out...alive. Be sure to bring plenty of favors and courage if you want to succeed in this quest, but leave any valuables in your vault so ghosts with sticky fingers don't try to take them. Failure is possible, but the rewards for winning are great. Will you come out richer than you came in?

Or will a part of your spirit stay behind to forever haunt the manor?

End Prize List


Treasure Table


In the treasure chest you see