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Tenebraus Stlinathal
Status: Dead
Race: S'Kra Mur
Gender: Male


High Priest Tenebraus was alive during the time of the Bard Guild's re-founding, following the destruction the Dragon Priest fanatics issued on it. He attempted to capture and kill Siryn, a woman who was trying to restart the Bard's Guild. Both Siryn and Tenebraus were killed in the commotion and in the year Lirisa 349, the Guild opened.

Details about the story can be read in The Restoration of the Bard's Guild in Our Time.

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Tenebraus Stlinathal was once a Dragon High Priest who commanded strongly the forces of fanatics that opposed the restoration of the Bardic Guild in modern times. Fanatical himself, he threw every resource at his command to prevent Bards from regaining their former strength, even taking up a blade himself to slay the Bardess Siryn as she attempted to open the doors of a new Guildhouse in Crossing. As she died, her spirit cried out his one weakness -- song. Thus those present took up the call, singing until Tenebraus's magic and life were shattered by the strong emotions flung against him by the power of music.