Item:Cobalt-blue canvas crafting apron

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cobalt-blue canvas crafting apron
Look: You see nothing unusual.
Weight: 2 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: 25,000 Kronars20,000 Lirums <br />18,040 Dokoras <br />25 LTBpoints <br />25 Tickets <br />25 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is a container.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
  • This item is worn in a generic slot.
Dimensions: 3 length x 3 width x 2 height
Capacity: 3 length x 3 width x 3 height (200 stones)
Sources: Source is Knight in Shining Scholar (2), Knight in Shining Scholar (1)

Thinking about the apron, you wonder if you might not be able to ADJUST, CLEAN, CLUTCH, FIDGET, PAT, REMOVE, ROLL, RUB, SHAKE, and WEAR it.
You think that some of the messaging may vary depending on what your highest crafting skill might be.

Note: Rank doesn't matter, only which skill is the highest. Ties are resolved in the order they appear in the experience list. If a character has no crafting skill ranks then it has messaging related to Scholarship instead.

Shared verbs

Verb Actions
ADJUST (worn) First Person: You correct the position of your crafting apron and finally get it where you like it.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> adjusts <his/her> crafting apron with finicky care.
REMOVE (worn) First Person: You tug your crafting apron around to the side then unfasten and remove it.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> tugs <his/her> crafting apron to the side to more easily unfasten and remove it.
WEAR First Person: You pull your crafting apron on, fastening it securely.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> pulls <his/her> crafting apron on, fastening it securely.
ROLL (worn) First Person: You roll one corner of your crafting apron up before releasing it.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> rolls a corner of <his/her> crafting apron up before letting it go and watching it unwind.


Verb Actions
CLEAN (worn) First Person: You clean your crafting apron, flicking off bits of herbs and catalysts that linger from your last trip to the workroom.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
CLUTCH (worn) First Person: You clutch at your crafting apron, releasing some bits of dried herbs that clung to it as you grip your apron tightly.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
FIDGET (worn) First Person: You fidget anxiously with your crafting apron, freeing dried bits of herbs to drift to the ground.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
PAT (worn) First Person: You pat your crafting apron, letting loose some herb bits to drift through the air.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
RUB (worn) First Person: You rub at an herb stain on your crafting apron.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: Theobault rolls a corner of his crafting apron up before letting it go and watching it unwind.
SHAKE (worn) First Person: You hold the edges of your crafting apron and shake it vigorously. Bone bits and dried leaves fly everywhere!
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.


Verb Actions
CLEAN (worn) First person messaging needed.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
CLUTCH (worn) First person messaging needed.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
FIDGET (worn) First person messaging needed.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
PAT (worn) First person messaging needed.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
RUB (worn) First person messaging needed.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
SHAKE (worn) First person messaging needed.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.


Verb Actions
CLEAN (worn) First Person: You clean your crafting apron, flicking off bone bits and metal shavings that linger from your last trip to the workshop.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> cleans <his/her> crafting apron, flicking off bone bits and metal shavings.
CLUTCH (worn) First Person: You clutch at your crafting apron, releasing some sawdust that clung to it as you grip your apron tightly.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> clutches at <his/her> crafting apron, releasing some sawdust that clung to it as <he/she> grips <his/her> apron tightly.
FIDGET (worn) First Person: You fidget anxiously with your crafting apron, freeing some sawdust to drift to the ground.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> fidgets anxiously with <his/her> crafting apron, freeing some sawdust to drift to the ground.
PAT (worn) First Person: You pat your crafting apron, letting loose some sawdust to drift through the air.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> pats <his/her> crafting apron, letting loose some sawdust to drift through the air.
RUB (worn) First Person: You rub at an oil stain on your crafting apron.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> rubs at an oil stain on <his/her> crafting apron.
SHAKE (worn) First Person: You hold the edges of your crafting apron and shake it vigorously. Sawdust and bone fragments fly everywhere!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> holds the edges of <his/her> crafting apron and shakes it vigorously. Sawdust and bone fragments fly everywhere!


Verb Actions
CLEAN (worn) First Person: You clean your crafting apron, flicking off bits of coal dust that lingers from your last trip to the forge.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> cleans <his/her> crafting apron, flicking off bits of coal dust.
CLUTCH (worn) First Person: You clutch at your crafting apron, releasing some metal filings that clung to it as you grip your apron tightly.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> clutches at <his/her> crafting apron, releasing some metal filings that clung to it as <he/she> grips his apron tightly.
FIDGET (worn) First Person: You fidget anxiously with your crafting apron, freeing some metal shavings to drift to the ground.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> fidgets anxiously with <his/her> crafting apron, freeing some metal shavings to drift to the ground.
PAT (worn) First Person: You pat your crafting apron, letting loose some coal dust to drift through the air.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> pats <his/her> crafting apron, letting loose some coal dust to drift through the air.
RUB (worn) First Person: You rub at a scorch mark on your crafting apron.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> rubs at a scorch mark on <his/her> crafting apron.
SHAKE (worn) First Person: You hold the edges of your crafting apron and shake it vigorously. Coal dust and metal fragments fly everywhere!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> holds the edges of <his/her> crafting apron and shakes it vigorously. Coal dust and metal fragments fly everywhere!


Verb Actions
CLEAN (worn) First Person: You clean your crafting apron, flicking off stray threads and bits of fabric that linger from your last trip to the workshop.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> cleans <his/her> crafting apron, flicking off stray threads and bits of fabric.
CLUTCH (worn) First Person: You clutch at your crafting apron, releasing some bits of thread that clung to it as you grip your apron tightly.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> clutches at <his/her> crafting apron, releasing some bits of thread that clung to it as <he/she> grips <his/her> apron tightly.
FIDGET (worn) First Person: You fidget anxiously with your crafting apron, freeing bits of thread to drift to the ground.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> fidgets anxiously with <his/her> crafting apron, freeing bits of thread to drift to the ground.
PAT (worn) First Person: You pat your crafting apron, letting loose some fabric scraps to drift through the air.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> pats <his/her> crafting apron, letting loose some fabric scraps to drift through the air.
RUB (worn) First Person: You rub at a dye stain on your crafting apron.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> rubs at a dye stain on <his/her> crafting apron.
SHAKE (worn) First Person: You hold the edges of your crafting apron and shake it vigorously. Broken pins and leather scraps fly everywhere!
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Person> holds the edges of <his/her> crafting apron and shakes it vigorously. Broken pins and leather scraps fly everywhere!

No Crafting Skill (Scholarship)

Verb Actions
CLEAN (worn) First Person: You clean your crafting apron, flicking off a few scraps of yellowed paper that linger from your last trip to the library.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
CLUTCH (worn) First Person: You clutch at your crafting apron, releasing some bits of parchment that clung to it as you grip your apron tightly.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
FIDGET (worn) First Person: You fidget anxiously with your crafting apron, picking at some ink stains on the surface.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
PAT (worn) First Person: You pat your crafting apron, letting loose some vellum bits to drift through the air.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
RUB (worn) First Person: You rub at an ink spot on your crafting apron.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
SHAKE (worn) First Person: You hold the edges of your crafting apron and shake it vigorously. Bits of vellum and parchment fly everywhere!
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.