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Event Hollow Eve Festival 439, Hollow Eve Festival 443
Owner Gesian, Morrelo
# of Rooms 3
Store Type Miscellaneous shops
This store only accepts Kronars

Advent (Arrival Messages)

[Arachnomancy, Advent]
Surprisingly roomy, this wagon is the most spacious of the three, providing ample room for dramatic demonstrations. Spidersilk tapestries drape the wooden walls, concealing the patina of age. Doorways to the east and west provide access to the adjacent wagons.
You also see the Arachnomancer Morrelo, a web-covered wagon door and a conspicuous sign scrawled with spidery lettering.
Obvious exits: east, west.

A conspicuous sign scrawled with spidery lettering reads:
"Want to make an entrance that is sure to traumatize any arachnophobe?  ASK MORRELO ABOUT WORK to get started!"
  • Morrelo will teach various Arrival and Exit messaging.

Option 1:

    Main Window Arrival: A blade spider skitters into the area, carrying a silken bundle in its barbed mandibles.  Carefully, the arachnid slits the spidersilk open, revealing <player>.  Its task complete, the spider skitters off.
  Main Window Departure: A blade spider skitters into the area and stares at <player> with multi-faceted eyes.  Carefully, the arachnid wraps her up completely in spidersilk before carrying the neatly bundled package away.
 Arrival Window Arrival: A blade spider unwraps a silken bundle, depositing <player> into the adventure.

Arrival Window Departure: A blade spider wraps <player> in silk and carries her away.

Option 2:

    Main Window Arrival: Thousands of tiny spiders carry a silken bundle into the area.  Working efficiently, they unwrap <player> and then vanish into their hiding places.
  Main Window Departure: Thousands of tiny spiders emerge from their hiding places and begin swarming over <player>, quickly cocooning her in spidersilk before carrying away their prize.
 Arrival Window Arrival: Thousands of tiny spiders unwrap a silken bundle, depositing <player> into the adventure.

Arrival Window Departure: Thousands of tiny spiders cocoon <player> in spidersilk and carry her away.

Option 3:

    Main Window Arrival: Suddenly, <player> stumbles into the area, rambling incoherently about spiders.  Noticing you, she quickly brushes bits of spidersilk off of herself and tries to look nonchalant.
  Main Window Departure: Seemingly apropos of nothing, <player> wanders off, muttering something under her breath about spiders.
 Arrival Window Arrival: <player> stumbles into the adventure, rambling incoherently about spiders.

Arrival Window Departure: <player> wanders off, muttering something about spiders.

Incantation (Spell Preparation Messages)

[Arachnomancy, Incantation]
A constellation of tiny gaethzen spiders provides just enough light to see, while heavy spidersilk carpets muffle the footsteps of customers and onlookers.
You also see an Elven arachnomancer and an elegant sign swathed in wildlace.
Obvious exits: west.

An elegant sign swathed in wildlace reads:
"ASK the arachnomancer on duty what he can TEACH you about the magical arts."

Departure (Depart Messages)

[Arachnomancy, Departure]
Gaethzen spiders dangle from the ceiling, perhaps providing a little too much illumination. The walls are shrouded by thick sheets of spidersilk, each of which is crawling with thousands of tiny spiders.
You also see the Undertaker Gesian and a web-covered gravestone scrawled with spidery lettering.
Obvious exits: east.

A web-covered gravestone scrawled with spidery lettering reads:
"Impress your friends or terrify your enemies with your command of spiders.  ASK GESIAN ABOUT MEMORIZATION and DEPART to get started!"
  • Gesian will teach various Depart messages.