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Peeku StarStone
Race Dwarf
Gender Male
Guild Warrior Mage
Instance Prime
Relatives Jennaria, Marolsa, Arkalye

Peeku StarStone


You are Rock Mage Peeku Starstone, Spellsword of Elanthia, a Dwarf. You have a square-jawed face with heavy jowls, sullenly glowing flame-hued eyes, a bulbous nose and dimples. Your dark brown-streaked auburn hair is very long and thick, and is worn arranged in tight dreadlocks. You have tanned skin and a rotund build. You are an adult. You have a drooping, evenly trimmed full mustache on your upper lip and a thick beard twisted into three long braids. You have a tattoo of a black dragon kneeling at the feet of a red-robed wizard on your face.

You are wearing some earth brown gauntlets, a polished leather harness with a stone mattock secured to it, a gold and fire opal ring, an albredine crystal ring, a steel-edged plaited hide backsheath with a wyvern clasp, a supple black leucro hide pack clasped with a gleaming silver fang, some well-worn leather miner's boots with steel toecaps, a wide dwarven mining belt of sturdy worn leather, some singed amber firesilk robes clasped at the neck by an enameled pin, a platinum ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage Guild, a visored Dwarven mining cap and a sleek skirmisher's shield crafted from dusky black ironwood.

Quick Facts

Affiliations: Formerly of the Order of the White Rose

Relations: Jennaria StarStone (Adoptive Sister) Marosla StarStone (Niece) Arkalye Starstone (Brother)

Religion: Peeku holds deep love of the earth feeling kinship to it and the heat and fire it creates as such gives his Devotion to Hav'roth, even though he is a Dwarf.

Close Friends: Samarah Riverhawk, Kenamer Maylan, and Somniumvisum LeoRudo

Marital Status: Single

Contributor: One of the three who originally conceptualized the idea that evolved many years later into the Elanthics, what was organized and hosted by the Theren Guard.


Peeku was born in a small dwarven mining camp, for 10 years he was happy loved, and cared for by his mother Keyvara while is Father worked the mines to provide for them. That all changed one day when his brother Arkalye was born. His loving mother died bringing his little brother into the world and his father beset with grief drank heavily. The man still provided for his boys but he was no longer the father they needed work and drink was all he knew. So Peeku took care of Arkalye, taught him his letters and numbers made sure he was fed and cared for, he was his brother's keeper. Then one day there was a horrible rumble from the mine and dust and screams racked the little camp. In the collapse the boys became orphans. Peeku and Arkalye wwere taken in by the camp foreman and taught the ways of a miner as soon as they could hold pick axes. Peeku showed great promise as a miner as it seemed he could speak with the very rock, he always found the best spots to dig and avoided dangerous hazards of the earth. He found his home in the mining camp he was born in, till one day the mine was depleted and the old Foreman was retiring. He had watched Peeku through the years and noticed something odd about the young dwarf, the boy had magic. Strong Earth magic he told the boy as they packed up the camp. The old Dwarf told Peeku he should set out and learn his magic, hone it and one day he would bring much honor to the StarStone clan.

As He left the mine for the last time with a pack of food, an old pick axe slung over his shoulder, and his bother at his side and set out for a town called River Crossings. It was in the town the old Dwarf had told him, he would find a teacher that could show him how to harness his magic into a powerful force. As they neared the gates to the huge city some months later Peeku was in awe of the vastness of a large city and the diversity of people from all walks of life. Suddenly he felt a stabbing pain in his back and panicked as he felt his life's blood drain from the dagger wound a cut-purse had just given him. As his world went dark he saw his brother chasing after the thief screaming, then coming back with a young prydaen Cleric tears in his eyes.

When he awoke again he was lying in a strange place with holy men chanting and weaving strange energies around him. He sat up to see the same young cleric smiling at him and his brother clutching at her sleeve. She welcomed him back to the land of the living. She introduced herself as Jennaria and apologized that she was unable to retrieve his belongings and coin the filthy cut-purse had stolen. Jennaria offered to help the boys back on their feet and show them around the strange and dangerous city. Unable to replace his trusty pick axe, he purchased a nice broadsword and a set of Full plate armor with her help. He loved the feeling of sturdy metal mined from the very earth and forged in the living flames wrapped around him. It gave him a sense of home and a feeling of comfort. She then led him to the Warrior Mage's guild once she had heard his tale. Once there he found teachers from all walks of life and plunged himself into his studies. His spells of choice were earth and fire which seemed to feel as familiar to him as breathing.

After some time and many lessons as well as adopting Jennaria into his clan the two met up one day to talk. She told him about an Evil Creature called Lyras who had breached a Great Barrier. she warned him to be careful as this Lyras commanded an army of Undead and sought only to burn the world and raise it as her personal army. She told him of an Organization within the city where he might find fellowship and be of use to the city that had taken him in. Then she told him the heartbreaking news that she was going to set out on a pilgrimage and did not know when she would return, she kissed his brow and asked him to look after their little brother. Peeku promised and kissed his sister goodbye bidding her a safe journey. Then Peeku set out to find and join this Order of the White Rose.

Peeku fought many battles against Lyras' Undead forces ending up in triage more often than not. But he was a stubborn dwarf and would go back out looking for others that had fallen in the battle with no regard for his own safety. Sadly sometime after the Fall of Lyras he had a falling out with members of the rose and felt it best to leave their ranks. Once again he set out on his own. he said goodbye to dear friends and his little brother who was now training to be a paladin, set out on a journey to find his sister and maybe his place in the world.

He chased rumors for months looking for her, with the help of his faithful Falcon Scarlet and hound Zaggar he caught her trail and found that she was planning to return to her family and friends soon. He made his way home to find his friends had found a home within Therenborough. He has set out to make his way to those he left behind and await his sister's return, all the while perfecting his magic for the day he should need to wield it against those that threaten the peace.

He is known as a very opinionated Dwarf for has had a run-in with the Inquisition for voicing an unwelcome opinion which has soured his opinion of the temple even more than before. He still fights to defend the crossings while learning more and more about his Earth Magic