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Status Active
Race Human
Gender Male
Guild Warrior Mage
Instance Prime


You see Scorched Wyvern Ragnaroak, a Human.

Ragnaroak's features are hidden behind a mask of carmine leather sculpted into the visage of a battle-scarred wyvern. Dark eyes stare outwards from above his triangular snout, while pieces of charred treasureweave flow from the base of the mask to form wings atop his shoulders.

He has charred black skin and empty sockets for eyes.

Ragnaroak has a pair of dragonwood horns jutting prominently from his forehead. The imposing horns sinuously twist upwards into scorched black points.

He is wearing a dark agonite great helm wrought into a dragon's head mantled in thorny scales, a shadowy black cloak covered in a layer of tattered shreds, some ominous wyvern-hide wings marred with scorch marks and jagged scars, a rugged wyvern hide sack with cracked bits of yellowed bone, a large hunting pack crafted from wyvern hide, a black leather tunic trimmed with dragonar bearing scorch and claw marks, a formidable ka'hurst mail hauberk with scorched scales encrusted in talons, a viciously spiked ka'hurst shield plated in flame-discolored scales, a foreboding armguard of blackened scales studded with menacing ka'hurst barbs, a pair of dusky steel hand claws fashioned to look like a wyvern's and a pair of dark steel footwraps designed to appear like a wyvern's clawed feet.

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Suddenly the sound of a battle horn pierces the air, and someone lumbers out of the shadows surrounded by a cloud of ash. A good dusting off reveals Ragnaroak!

The sound of a battle horn emanating from somewhere nearby distracts you for a split second, and when you look back, Ragnaroak is gone.


sanguine serpentine cowl crafted from the grisly skull and hide of a wyvern (light armor)

  • Look: A juvenile wyvern's skull and jaw are affixed to the leather to give the armor its structure. Begrimed and bloodstained, the grisly ensemble of bone and hide resemble the ghastly visage of a snarling beast. Pieced together with clear intent, the cowl is meant to wrap protectively about the face when worn.
  • Source: Corn Maze 439 Alterer's Scroll (April 2022)

craggy brigandine balaclava forged into a petrifying visage of a basilisk (brigandine armor)

  • Look: Pitted and scored, the abyssal-black diacan brigandine headpiece has been worked to imitate the stony hide of a basilisk. The armor's metallic links are intricately detailed to resemble the reptile's snout, revealing vicious white fangs of ivory. An aventail of midnight-hued, iridescent scales completes the menacing armor. Dozens of sharp, stiletto-like spines reminiscent of the lizardly beasts protect the wearer's neck and shoulders.
  • Source: Corn Maze 439 Alterer's Scroll (April 2022)

dark agonite great helm wrought into a dragon's head mantled in thorny scales (plate armor)

  • Look: Interlocking plates of the ebon metal produce a fearsome draconic visage. Across the snout, steely grey tendrils whorl like vaporous smoke from a dragon's fiery breath. An aventail of overlapping, thorny scales embedded with obsidian completes the ferocious armor. Glossy with menacing sharpness, conical obsidian shards protect the wearer's neck and shoulders.
  • Source: Corn Maze 439 Alterer's Scroll (April 2022)

formidable ka'hurst mail hauberk with scorched scales encrusted in talons (chain armor)

  • Look: An overlapping pattern of fire-scorched scales cascades over the dark ka'hurst mail beneath. Light reflecting off the armor creates shifting shades of shadowy greens that resemble a writhing wyvern, while razor-sharp talons jut out across the armor like a wyvern's barbed tail. Despite visible scuffs and scratches from prior battles, the interlocked scales reveal no chinks in the formidable armor.
  • Read: Woe to whoever tries to breach the wyvern fortress
  • Source: Corn Maze 439 Alterer's Scroll (April 2022)

viciously spiked ka'hurst shield plated in flame-discolored scales (small shield)

  • Look: Wickedly sharp ka'hurst spikes scattered across the dark exterior of the small shield glint with a strikingly green sheen in the light. The reinforcing layer of flame-discolored scales encasing the shield resembles a rugged wyvern's hide. A versatile tool in combat, the wielder can raise the shield for protection or thrust it in a retaliatory attack. Adjustable leather straps allow the shield to be worn over the shoulder or on the forearm.
  • Read: The best defense is a good offense - Wyvern Wisdom
  • Source: Corn Maze 439 Alterer's Scroll (April 2022)

foreboding armguard of blackened scales studded with menacing ka'hurst barbs (parry stick)

  • Look: Interlocked steel plates compose the menacingly studded armguard. An array of shadowy black ka'hurst barbs jut out and glint with a striking green sheen. The intimidating design mimics a wyvern's poisonously spiked tail, a wily feature intended to protect the wearer by warding off would-be attackers.
  • Read: Deceive the enemy to win the fight - Wyvern Wisdom
  • Source: Corn Maze 439 Alterer's Scroll (April 2022)

serrated Imperial spear shaped into a colossal violaceous lightning bolt (heavy thrown/polearm)

  • Look: Clear veins of prismatic color extend down from the weapon's large polished lightning-amethyst capped tip. This, combined with the pale violet staining, creates the illusion of crackling arcs of lighting flashing along the strike path throughout the diamondwood haft. An electroweave grip rests at half the length of the spear and appears charged with electricity, coruscating in luminous shades of white, blue, and green that run along a network of jagged silvery streaks inherent in the weave.
  • Read: A serrated Imperial spear reads: "A thunder of wyverns brings ruin, not rain."
  • Source: Corn Maze 439 Alterer's Scroll (March 2022)

violaceous diamondwood staff patterned with arcs of prismatic white lightning (quarterstaff)

  • Look: Clear veins of prismatic color extend down from the weapon's large polished lightning-amethyst capped tip. This, combined with the pale violet staining, creates the illusion of crackling arcs of lighting flashing along the strike path throughout the diamondwood haft. An electroweave grip rests at half the length of the staff and appears charged with electricity, coruscating in luminous shades of white, blue, and green that run along a network of jagged silvery streaks inherent in the weave.
  • Read: A violaceous diamondwood staff reads: "A thunder of wyverns brings ruin, not rain."
  • Source: Corn Maze 439 Alterer's Scroll (March 2022)

braided firesilk and wyvern-hide sling marred with soot and scorch marks (sling)

  • Look: Twin braided firesilk whipcords tethered to a length of wyvern-hide form the weapon. Vibrant red and orange threads used in the warp of the fabric make the cords appear to shimmer with flames as the light catches them. Soot stains and scorch marks emphasize the fiery component of the havri'negh symbol embossed on the ammo pouch.
  • Read: A scorched wyvern-hide sling reads: "k'et izzu'hhr"
  • Source: Corn Maze 439 Alterer's Scroll (March 2022)

ominous wyvern-hide wings marred with scorch marks and jagged scars

  • Look: Resembling the mighty wings of a wyvern, bark-like scales adorn the scorched russet hide. Battle scars and sanguine splotches mar the thick leather, while unruly bits of lichen cling to the scaly dragonwood of the articulated framework. Rugged leather straps allow the wings to be worn.
  • Source: Corn Maze 439 Alterer's Scroll (March 2022)

monstrous dragon's tail flail with a scorched agonite chain barbed with talons (2HB)

  • Look: Inspired by a wyvern's spiked tail, this fearsome flail is sadistically barbed with talons and serrated fangs, perfect for tearing flesh from bone. Outlined in bright crimson, flame-like fingers of charcoal-grey mimic a smoldering appearance on the thick agonite chain. Small pools of molten lava within molten-core diamonds inlaid into the massive chain links give the illusion of a fiery whip when the wielder lashes the flail. A sturdy haft of wyvern-hide-wrapped dragonwood provides a secure grip.
  • Read: A monstrous dragon's tail flail reads: "Wyvern's Revenge"
  • Chips: This is a chippable weapon that periodically causes scorched talons to embed into the enemy.
  • Source: Vomna at Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 439 (2021-11-28)

massive zweihander with a scorched agonite blade curved like a wyvern's talon (2HE)

  • Look: Outlined in bright crimson, flame-like fingers of charcoal-grey mimic a smoldering appearance on the agonite blade. Alternating both sides of the blade are talon-shaped serrations to cause extra damage. The blackened crossguard resembles a wyvern in flight, with its imposing maw pointing towards the tip of the blade and its monstrous wings flaring outward to guard the wielder's hand when gripped at close range. Set into the pommel is a molten-core diamond, which smolders with a dull red light. You notice some scorched talons on the surface of the zweihander.
  • Read: A massive zweihander reads: "Wyvern's Vengeance"
  • Chips: This is a chippable weapon that periodically causes scorched talons to embed into the enemy.
  • Source: Vomna at Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 439 (2021-11-21)

Title: Scorched Wyvern