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Weapon:Serrated Imperial spear with a diamondwood haft

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serrated Imperial spear with a diamondwood haft
Look: The jagged glaes has been infused with colored gems to create a lurid green hue. Inlaid above the leather grip is a stormfire topaz carved into the shape of a stag beetle, its body scintillating with the unnerving energy and hue of lightning. Dendritic lines of green gold arc along the shaft, its sheen mimicking light flashing along the strike path.

There appears to be something written on it.

A serrated Imperial spear reads: "Asmanazt"

Type: Polearms \ Heavy Thrown
Range: melee
Puncture: very extreme (16/28)
Slice: somewhat moderate (6/28)
Impact: very heavy (10/28)
Fire: no (0/28)
Cold: no (0/28)
Electric: no (0/28)
Force of Impact: fairly (5/17)
Balance: fairly (5/17)
Suitedness: well (9/17)
Construction: very strong (14/18)
Metal: Yes
Weight: 89 stones
Appraised Cost: Unknown
  • This item is enchanted through the enchanting crafting system.
Enchantment: poor (4/10) potency
central (10/10) complexity
somewhat precise (4/11) precision
Minor (1/4) grade
Bonus to durability
Flare: Electric damage
Dimensions: 17 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Drathrok's Duskruin 438/Drathrok's Assemblage, Drathrok's Duskruin 435/Drathrok's Assemblage, Drathrok's Duskruin 430/Drathrok's Assemblage

You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Electric Weapon Flare enchantment.
The enchantment appears masterfully-crafted, has poor potency, demonstrates central complexity, and is somewhat precise. This enchantment is of Minor grade, and was modified to bonus durability. The matrix appears to be somewhat thick and the lines are perfectly clear.