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Akeiro Nakohu
Status Active
Race Prydaen
Gender Spider
Guild Empath
Instance Prime
Relatives none


You see Desert Fury Akeiro Nakohu, a Prydaen.
A diffuse, honey-colored light undulates lazily across his fur, swirling and eddying with every movement.
Akeiro has an oval face with an undulating scar across the cheek, cold cat-slitted crystal blue eyes and a deeply scarred nose. His silver mane is long and thick, and is worn pulled back in a multitude of beaded braids. He has glittered ghostly white fur with silvered black stripes, a long bushy tail and a sleek build.
He is pint-sized for a Prydaen.
He appears to be young.
He has an elaborate arrangement of piercings in the flesh surrounding both of his eyes. Long, thin spikes of iron alternate with matching rings along his eyebrows before the design turns back beneath the eyes, terminating upon the cheekbones with a cluster of smaller, semi-blunted barbs. His right wrist has a tattoo of a lush symbol of growth.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a tattered length of thornweave dyed the shifting hues of the low desert sands, a slender ebony eyebrow ring with a shimmering dreamstone sand spider, a deeply hooded linen scavenger's longcoat dyed in shifting sand hues, a wispy cloak of pale spidersilk that seems to float over its underlayer, a glinting eddy of striated light zealously cradled by a mighty sandstone spider, a massive sand spider wearing a linen vest and a diminutive driftwood slingbow, a cambrinth wildling spider inlaid with vortices of moonsilver, a worn demonbone thigh quiver inlaid with a luminous crimson moonsilver mandala, a driftwood slingbow draped in grey linen and inlaid with a shale sand spider, some dense entangling brambles of rot-brown prickly punka, a massive sunbleached drake skull etched with spidery expansive mandalas, an enveloping shroud of dark thornweave, an electric blue sanowret crystal set in a covellite wildling spider, a whittled finivire slingshot with a kirmiko-wrapped grip, an absinthe emerald-eyed seordmaor skull with electroweave straps, some midnight-toned thornweave trousers with brushed silver buttons, a sleek thigh bag of black shadesatin and some simple rope sandals.


Birthdate: 10th of Ka'len the Sea Drake 390AV Birthplace: A far away desert
Guild: Empath
Diety: Eu

Affliations, Funny stuff, Personality.

  • Is a member of The Bardbarians.
  • Almost never lies, to the point of risking strategic advantage for being too honest. He is aware of this but makes no attempt to curb it because...
  • He loves chaos.
  • Was once arrested for Disturbing the Peace and sentenced to the stocks in the middle of active conflict.
  • Holds an almost religious reverence for spiders.
  • Apprenticed in his home hub under a desert shaman. This training involved alchemy both for creating remedies, and poisons. Shaman training also included a lot of hunting and direct physical combat. Through the process of resolving the differences between shamanism and empathy he is a scarred empath, after having been previously dark(permashocked) for many many years.
  • Generally people are surprised to discover that he is an Empath, even amongst close acquaintances.