House of the Silk Strings (location)

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More information about the House history and structure can be found on the House of the Silk Strings page.

The House grounds and buildings that are made available to the public and to House members-only can be found outside the village of Fayrin's Rest in northern Ilithi, 8 rooms southward from the village crossroads through the wide cedar gates. Within the grounds are a number of refreshments and Picked Flora.

House Grounds Open to the Public

[House of the Silk Strings, Courtyard]
Nestled amongst the quiet woodland surroundings, a stately stone and cedar villa adjoins the courtyard here, its eaves hung with fluttering silk banners dyed in striking amaranthine and platinum hues. Nearby, a pushcart loaded with crates rests patiently to the side of the basalt-paved path that leads northwest.
You also see some wide cedar gates.
Obvious paths: northwest.

[House of the Silk Strings, Foyer]
The entire north wall of the villa's grand foyer is glass, affording a picturesque view of the cottage-speckled weald behind the building. Overhead, a diamondique chandelier glitters in the sunlight, while a heavy silk runner atop the hardwood floor guides arriving visitors toward a pair of hallways situated at opposite ends of the room.
Obvious exits: east, west, out.

[House of the Silk Strings, Tearoom]
Tall windows with curtains tied back welcome the available sunlight into this spacious lounge, creating a bright and airy atmosphere for dining patrons. Numerous cafe tables ring a small stage at the center of the room, where a sober string quartet provides relaxing musical ambiance from breakfast until supper time.
You also see a linen-draped brass refreshment cart with several things on it.
Obvious exits: east.

  • the window here looks out to the courtyard.
On the refreshment cart
Item Price Done
pot of spiced Elothean tea 0   DG
bamboo tray of lobster and radish sainyuso rolls drizzled with creamy coconut lime dressing 0   
bamboo tray of spicy raw tuna sainyuso rolls 0   
shallow bowl of fresh pickled cucumber slices and mint leaves 0   
fluffy diakasuur on a delicate frosted blue glass plate 0   
raised dish of rich sibo-diaka 0   

[House of the Silk Strings, Business Office]
With tall picture windows and exposed cedar beams, this large office space exemplifies simple, rustic elegance. Two neat rows of desks, manned by various clerks and bookkeepers, flank a golden silk tapestry suspended from the rafters.
Obvious exits: west.

  • the window here looks out to the courtyard.

[House of the Silk Strings, Workshop Row]
A venerable wooden structure borders the shady path, its tile roof gently curved to shelter a deep wraparound veranda. Beneath the timeworn eaves, two Elothean workers are spooling silk thread with uncanny speed and grace from a large vat of water on which floats countless tiny white cocoons.
Obvious paths: north, southeast.

  • This room has a number of atmospheric messages referring to the vat

[House of the Silk Strings, Workshop Row]
A low stand of plum trees borders the path opposite a pair of long, tile-roofed wooden workshops. Although the buildings are tightly shuttered, the occasional passage of an Eloth worker through one of the sliding doors provides a brief glimpse of the enormous, intricate looms housed within.
Obvious paths: south, northwest.

[House of the Silk Strings, By the Lotus Pond]
The basalt cobblestone path stretches onward beneath a soaring canopy of cedar, spruce, and the occasional redwood. Through the dense foliage to the north, the occasional glimpse of a sea of white can be caught from the clearing downhill.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.

[House of the Silk Strings, By the Lotus Pond]
Flagstones set into the loamy banks underfoot mark the intended entrance into the lotus pond. A steady stream of Elothean harvesters stop to lash up the lower hems of their garments before wading into the peaceful waters, while others emerge back onto the shore with leaf-laden baskets in tow.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast.

[House of the Silk Strings, Lotus Pond]
Snowy white lotus blossoms blanket the emerald water of this placid woodland pond. A narrow path through the vegetation has been cleared along the shallows of the pool, and various Elothean workers are using the wading space to carefully harvest lotus leaves.
You also see a wooded shoreline.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast.


[House of the Silk Strings, Lotus Pond]
The thick layer of soft white lotus blossoms sways gently to the soporific rhythm of the pond's underwater currents.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest.


[House of the Silk Strings, Lotus Pond]
The sea of botanic white that dominates the rest of the pond blends softly into a contrasting bed of lotus blossoms at this quiet end of the pool. Distinctly colored blooms surround a mossy stone marker rising stoically from the jewel-toned water below.
Obvious paths: southwest, northwest.

A mossy stone marker reads:

    "Spring - Silkstring Lotus
     Summer - Prism Lotus
     Autumn - Heritage Lotus
     Winter - Snowcatcher Lotus"


[House of the Silk Strings, Lotus Pond]
The rich greens of the pond and its aquatic foliage blend with the floral expanse of lotus-white to create a captivating dichromatic gardenscape, occasionally broken by the flash of a goldfish swimming amongst the underwater stalks.
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest.


[House of the Silk Strings, By the Lotus Pond]
A silverwillow grows on the shore beside the path, its long branches draped languidly into the shallows of the lotus pond. Dragonflies skim the emerald water below, darting amongst the curtain of leaves.
Obvious paths: north, southwest.

[House of the Silk Strings, Beneath the Storehouse]
The cobbled path terminates here at the steeply rising face of a wooded bluff. Undaunted by the incline, a massive two-tiered storehouse clings to the slope, achieving a whimsically defiant effect with its opulent facade and precarious perch.
Obvious paths: south.