Item:Pair of tight-fitting jade-hued velvet trews

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pair of tight-fitting jade-hued velvet trews
Look: Cut to fit tightly to the wearer's limbs, the bright green fabric is plush and elegant.
Weight: Unknown
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 87500 Kronars70,000 Lirums <br />63,140 Dokoras <br />87.5 LTBpoints <br />87.5 Tickets <br />87.5 Scrips <br />
  • This item is a container or has pockets.
  • This item is worn in the pants slot.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Capacity: ? length x ? width x ? height (? stones)
Sources: Source is Fighting is on the Wall


  • STUDY Thinking about the trews, you wonder if you might not be able to CLEAN, GAZE, NUDGE, PULL, PUNCH, PUSH, REMOVE, STRUT, TAP, TURN, and WEAR it.
  • WEAR You step into your velvet trews, making sure the fit is right for combat.
  • CLEAN You slap your velvet trews, cleaning the dust of battle from them.
  • GAZE You settle into a defensive stance, gazing about for threats.
  • NUDGE You shuffle your feet, trying to stay alert.
  • PULL You quickly move backward, keeping your weight on your toes.
  • PUNCH You attempt to practice a few kicks and punches, but flub some of them.
  • PUSH You spring forward, weight on your toes and ready for a fight.
  • STRUT You slink around, trying to show off your velvet trews, but not quite sure enough of yourself to manage it.
  • TAP You drum your fingers on your thigh.
  • TURN You pivot to the right, ready for anything.
  • REMOVE You carefully pull your velvet trews off your legs.