Moon Mage vision list 2021

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This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2021.

Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.

Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.


Date and Time: 3/19/2021
Your mouth fills with the taste of copper, and you see a tall figure bent over a metallic table fiddling with a sphere composed of interlocking components. Hands held slightly apart, the figure seems to concentrate on the sphere, and with a faint crackle, energies coursing along the various parts, the sphere rises. Spinning rapidly, the sphere all but disappears in a haze of streamer discharge, and the figure nods in approval.

Suddenly, a loud *ping!* comes from the sphere, and it begins to shed components in all directions. The figure calmly waves a hand, erecting a shimmering barrier enclosure that flares as it catches each rapidly flung piece. As the figure stands and turns to walk away from the still catastrophically disassembling sphere, you catch a glimpse of his face, his lips and fists clenched in frustration, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 3/19/2021
A sleek clipper cuts through rough seas, its black sails taut as an Elementalist shapes the winds. A crew of seasoned men and women scamper over the rigging, smoothly making coordinated adjustments and shouting out quick commands to one another. An old Gnome with an eye patch scans the horizon and calls out a heading, and the prow shifts slightly.

"Dead churn ahead!" the lookout calls, and small balls of lightning rapidly realign to visibly signal from the crow's nest.

In the distance ahead, a whirlpool picks up in ferocity, and a mass of rotting tentacles rises from the waters. A fist sized sphere of fire arcs into the sky and explodes into a cloud of silver smoke. The tentacles recede back into the waters as the whirlpool calms, and the ship sails on. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 3/19/2021
A blood-soaked field stretches before you, crows feasting on the cold remains of a needless carnage. A thicket of swords plunged blade first into the ground serves as a makeshift fence, and a young boy grimly sets to the task of paying last respects -- carefully sketching the faces of each corpse before affixing the drawing to the hilt of each sword. Where the scavengers have ravaged a face beyond recognition, the boy improvises. After some time, the boy runs out of charcoal and paper, the task incomplete. He falls to his knees, eyes vacant, and reaches for a sword. Gripping the weapon tightly, blood streams from his hands, and he begins to bend the blade, slowly, until the weapon is a ring of sharpened steel. The boy drops the ruined sword, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 3/19/2021
Plunged into oppressive humidity, you find yourself surrounded by bent cypress and beech, dripping with sheets of crone's hair moss. Wading through the murky water, you make steady progress towards a slightly raised bank. Scrambling up the muddy island, you notice a crouched man dressed in rags. The man repeatedly picks up a rock and tosses it out into the swamp, but before striking the water, the rock stops in midair, quivers a moment, and reverses course, right into the hands of the man who deftly catches it. With each repetition, the man berates the rock, scolding it for its impertinence and refusal to behave like a rock. Suddenly freezing, the man turns and notices you, and in one swift motion hurls the rock directly at your head! You fall backwards into the water, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 2/16/2021
You see a strange city stretching around you, with tall aqueducts staggered by complex canals and locks. Narrow boats pushed by hooded figures with long poles slowly ply the interwoven waterways, and brilliant red banners snap in the stiff breeze, sprayed with the system's waterfalls and overflow. A confused looking man roams the streets, clutching a toy bear and periodically calling for his lost child. Figures turn to glance at him but otherwise ignore his presence.

As the man reaches the center of the city, a domed building stretches before him, and he hesitates at the entrance. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 2/16/2021
You find yourself walking in an endless corridor, the surfaces tiled in equilateral triangles. Spanning to a distant horizon point, the hallway is completely featureless in either direction. In a panic, you begin to run forward, though you can make little sense of the distance or speed you are traveling. After some time, you stop to catch your breath, and bending at the waist, you see notice a slight bulge between the tile.

A slim tendril extends between the gap in the tiles, and quickly stretches upward, a single bud bursting and unfurling with a protea flower. Suddenly, the hallway spins, corkscrewing violently and stretching outward, and you feel yourself falling. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 2/16/2021
You find yourself walking in a humid swamp, the scent of rot and decay a choking miasma. The sounds of wild animals can be heard all around you, a chorus of hooting and growling, but you cannot see signs of any life larger than stinging insects and the occasional ripples across the water. Far behind you, a large wall can be seen, torches dotting the ramparts at regular intervals. You continue into the wilds.

After some time, you come to a somewhat elevated clearing with a single tent staked into the muddy ground. Though the canvas is torn, the remains still stand. Loud snorting and muttering can be heard from within, and as you peer into the rent fabric, you see a half-naked figure covered in mud carving ordered lines into its arm and shoulder with a rusty knife. Chanting in guttural gibberish, the figure giggles and cries and shouts at the unseen. Suddenly wheeling around, the figure sees you watching, and with a yowl of anger rushes forward. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 2/16/2021
You find yourself opening a strange message cylinder and unfurling a short note written on a tight roll of clean parchment. The letter is written in a crisp, exacting hand, though the signature is smudged beyond recognition.

"Thank you for the kind words. We do hope you were impressed with the demonstration. Waste not want not, after all. Trees have full bounties this season, due to the heavy spring rains, but the salve is still precious. The permission granted by foals for approach and petting is, of course, contingent on an offering of oats."

Unable to make sense of the message, you turn it over, looking for additional clues. The only thing on the other side of the paper is a single and small "2" written in the bottom left corner. You blink in confusion, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 2/16/2021
A bolt of lightning illuminates your surroundings, and you find yourself on a slippery seaside cliff, the ocean hammering the coastline far below, and the rain and wind buffeting you. Out in the distant waters, a small fleet of ships lit with gaethzen prisms sail in formation, firing mangonels and elemental fire, ice, and rock in long high arcs.

A small form appears to fly towards the ships, and as it approaches, it unleashes a flurry of crackling green and red energies that slam into the ships, igniting them. You hear the sound of screaming sailors, and the figure continues its massacre.

One of the boats begins to splinter, its keel broken, and the fleet retreats, scattering. The figure hovers in midair for a moment and begins to rush towards you. You make out five gleaming eyes, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Sivroch Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/17/2021
The stench of an alley surrounds you, and the raucous laughter of a busy inn comes from nearby. A woman leans against the brick wall of the building, hiding in the shadows as she strains to hear a conversation softly drifting through an open window. Silently, she pulls herself up a ledge and positions herself closer to the window. The door of the inn bursts open and a pair of drunks stumble out, singing and shouting, and they walk into the alley. As they pass directly by the woman, one of the drunks pauses a moment to squint into the shadows, but he does not see her. She holds perfectly still, and they pass without incident.

The woman remains at the window a moment, and then suddenly her head jerks awkwardly, as if listening to something in the distance. She drops to the ground without a sound, steps onto the thoroughfare, and continues down the street. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Risen Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/17/2021
You lurch suddenly, finding yourself atop a large galleon under sail breaking through heavy seas. You are surrounded by a din of disciplined nautical chatter and find yourself unable to make sense of what is happening save that the sailors are working at a breakneck pace. Ballistae are being loaded, catapults tensioned, and firing solutions shouted and repeated.

Someone calls "Signal port side, 300 yards!" and you see three faint black lines climb into the sky and explode into clouds of smoke, which hang in the air followed shortly by three soft *pops*. Red, blue, red, the clouds begin to slowly disperse. The lookout screams "Sanyu aes! Loose! Loose!", and the deck shudders with the barrage, the sailors immediately beginning the reloading processes.

At the ship's prow, two robed figures lay their hands on a large machination of sequential lenses and spined arms, which begins to shift and whine, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/17/2021
A scorching desert spans before you, shimmering air baking salt flats and dead trees. The occasional cactus soars, branching arms topped with bright red and pink blossoms. As the sun mercilessly beats down on you, you see a man wrapped in loose-fitting flowing robes crest a nearby dune. Spotting you, he begins to run with surprising speed down the dune face, waving his arms and shouting in panic. As he gets closer, he draws a primitive weapon made of shards of bone tied to a long club and throws it at you. You step backwards and try and shield yourself with your hands, but the spinning weapon soars inches over your head and with a wet *thunk* slams into something.

Turning around in shock, you see a massive centipede writhing in agony, a tangled mass of limbs and wickedly pointed fangs, the spiked club lodged deeply into its head. The man shoves you aside, and leaps for the creature, a long dagger thrust forward, and vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/17/2021
You see a man walking through the forest, gazing around in confusion. He comes across a narrow stream and spots a small, wooden, toy bear and bends down to examine it. Glancing around, he calls out to his child, but hearing no response he pockets the toy and follows the stream. The forest begins to grow more sparsely, and after a moment, he emerges into an open plain, the stream winding between boulders before branching into a delta. A distant city straddles the waters, and the man continues his search. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/17/2021
You find yourself walking in an endless room, rows of perfectly rectangular plinths stretching to the horizon, each made of the same featureless white stone as the ground. The tall ceiling appears as a perfect opposite -- opposing plinths of featureless black stone pair with their white counterparts below. You walk a while, the perfect geometry conveying your progress toward a heading of nowhere, when you hear a slight *crunch*.

Lifting your foot and looking down in surprise, you see a freshly crushed protea blossom. The air begins to fill with a heady, sweet fragrance, and you develop a mild headache. You take a step backwards, but your footfall is muffled by unfolding protea blossoms, slowly erupting from the ground and ceiling, stretching around the plinths. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True