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Talk:Disarm Traps skill

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Great Article!

Very nicely done, Kraelyst! I'm just adding some wikicode and gonna improve the lead sentences a bit. --Farman 12:09, 4 November 2007 (CST)

I but down some of my best guesses as to what a nonthief needs to open boxes on the higher end. They'd be using careful and probably blowing more than a few of the traps but it should be possible. Raji

Nice to see this information. I posted my feedback on my current in game experiences with disarming on my way up to expert levels in disarming. Could something similar to this with lockpicking appear on here too? I say this because I find that lockpicking is harder to do than it is to disarm a box. For example;

Back when I was at 225 disarm/lockpicking, I was able to disarm many adan'f boxes, around 6 out of 10, without setting off the traps. When it came to picking the locks on the disarmed boxes, I could easily spend a half hour or more just trying to pick all of those locks.

Now flash forward to my current skills. I recently visited the Adan'f in the barrows (Mages/Warriors) and picked up 10 boxes. I blew two of the traps (gas trap and cyanide). After disarming the boxes, I set about picking the boxes. I had to give up on two of the boxes, as I broke three master lockpicks on those two boxes. This is with 267 disarm/257 lockpicking. - Vagle


Maximum cap needs to be defined. Someone want to volunteer? --Diarik 03:45, 2 April 2008 (CDT)

Update on Spirit Dancer box difficulty

I just got another "snowballs chance" appraisal while disarming a small batch of Spirit Dancer boxes. This is with 270 disarm, so the minimum is > 270 to never see the "snowballs chance" message while disarming boxes.
