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Damiza Nihshyde
Status Active
Race S'Kra Mur
Gender Female
Guild Empath
Instance Prime
Relatives Evro


You see Master Healer Damiza Nihshyde, Healer of Elanthia, a S'Kra Mur.
Damiza has an elongated face with a flexible ridged crest which follows the shape of her skull, some purple gold goggles with dark lenses that slightly obscure tilted slitted crystal blue eyes and a scale-etched ka'hurst nose ring resembling a viper hooked through the left side of an elegant snout, speckled scales, a slender tail and a spindly figure.
She is tall for a S'Kra Mur.
She appears to be young.
Her head is swathed in a long tattered bandage. A small bloodstain shows through the fabric.

She is wearing some lipka cotton healer's robes with flaring kimono sleeves, a crown-shaped silver badge that reads 'No Boys Allowed', a linen arm sling painted with a broken arm bone, an elaborately wound bone white chestwrap oozing with blood, a dark purple gown of raw silk, a fused arm splint with supple leather straps and some winged ghoul-hide boots.

Special Events

430-03-?: Bonds Vorrik
430-07-?: Divorces Vorrik
430-08-?: Bonds Evro
430-08-35: Purposely disrupted the device at Abyss, Maelshyve's Ascent a few times before powering it with her Life mana.
430-09-20: Tossed a stinky egg at the garden of Empath's Guild causing several Empath's to smell of skunk. 430-01-?: Evro divorces Damiza


Due to amnesia, Damiza is unsure where she hails from. She just remembers being at The Crossing and decided to to join the Empath's Guild under the supervision of Salvur.
She limps around town with her crutch, playfully accusing certain people of abusing her. She milks this ploy by occasionally falling to the floor in a dramatic fainting spell and clutching her arm, which she has in a splint and arm sling, moaning and crying out in pain.

She does suffer from random lapses in memory, often forgetting certain events or misplacing things. She is often seen training at a community garden or running around town randomly healing people whether they want it or not. She will often run around town scribbling notes in her book.

She is often thought of as a masochistic by encouraging people to create gruesome wounds on their victims for her Empathy.

Assumed as a stupid person, she never leads anyone to thinking otherwise.

One of her best friends is a Human Empath named Simmish. The two formed a brother/sister bond.

Proclaims herself to be a master treasure hunter, she has found the location of treasure maps for several Elanthians and will often purchase treasure maps for a decent amount. Most of the treasure she finds she tends to give away to others.

After the divorce of her first husband, she was kidnapped by a Human from Crossing's Empath's Guild and taken out to the cemetery where he fed her a love potion. He took her to the top of the Greater Fist and jumped into a cart. The ride was short lived for the next curve of the volcano he convinced her that she could fly and tossed her out of the cart where she plummeted to her death. The next trip to the volcano, he convinced her that she was immortal and tied her to the tracks as he rode on a cart that smashed into her, killing her instantly.

Few days later, the man took her to the sewers where they consummated their marriage. Afterwards, he cast Fire of Ushnish in the area and she was instantly incinerated.

Eventually, the man took her to Ratha where he dragged her under the water at the wreck of the Seerah to dive for pearls. Determined to find pearls in the clams below, she repeatedly healed her hand after it was continuously bitten off by the clams. Despite her determination, she was never able to find any clams and was knocked unconscious from behind and dragged to the surface. When she regained consciousness, they returned to The Crossing.

Upon hearing about a device at the Abyss being charged by a numerous people, she set out to the location and disrupted the device a few times, clearing a good chunk of charged power. When asked by those trying to charge the device why she was ruining their progress, she simply stated: "Wait, this doesn't summon a dragon?" The people concluded she was a moron and asked her again to which she replied, "One moment, I'm thinking." These people would not allow her to think. She was instantly punched in the throat. Several of them laid curses upon her and two of them threatened her very existence.

She received a porcelain chicken from Evro that lays rotten eggs that causes anyone caught in area to stink of skunk. She runs around tossing the eggs at random locations which caused Praeda to begin a petition for her banishment from the Empath's Guild for "unprofessionalism".

Unfortunately her husband became ill and began to experiment with Necromancy. This experiment caused a random soul to enter his body during an out of body experience and he was never the same again.

About the Player

If you would like to get to know me better, feel free to send me a message on Discord. I play a few characters in DragonRealms, but I primarily only roleplay with Damiza.

    • Currently I have placed Damiza on hold but I am still around.

Discord: Obsidian#1345
Art: deviantART


  • Digital artist
  • Pixelist (isometric, non-isometric and tool-shaded)
  • 1D animation (pixel & digital)

Learning Skills

  • Novice Programmer
  • Novice MySQL
  • Beginner Website Developer