Item:Clear tessera

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Incomplete Item
  • This item is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Item Type

clear tessera
Look: The tiny cube is almost perfectly transparent to the point of ephemerality, like crystallized thought rather than anything natural. Upon closer inspection, you difficultly notice its surfaces engraved with even tinier script, some you know to be numerals.
Metal: Unknown
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
  • This item is styled or has special functions for Traders.
  • Allows for a Trader to cast spells.
  • STUDY: You recall the Negotiants; the impersonal benefactors and jailers, the great cornucopia and burden of the Trader Guild. They are the manifestation of the deal struck between House Turmar and the extraplanar entity known as Arbiter in Darkness -- magical power for never touching the Plane of Probability. Their name, or 'Tutors' as some call them, is a polite term for what they truly are: ruthless guarantors poised to take away the boon as quickly as it was granted.
Although there have been other enchantments that emulate a thinking mind, nothing you know of comes close to the capabilities of the Negotiants. Indisputably, the device can teach spells as well as any guildleader of magicians. Theories abound, especially among Moon Mages, about the source of such consummate spell knowledge. Did it come preloaded? Is it getting all that from the Arbiter? Still more alarmingly, could it have been devising the spells it teaches?
This particular device is a piece of the Negotiants, allowing you to learn spells anywhere should you invoke it. Whether such a piece works by itself or communicates with the greater whole is impossible to say.
  • INVOKE: You send your clear tessera a wordless thought of acquiescence.
The clear tessera instantly frosts over. Your starlight aura is drawn and concentrated to a geometric point inside the crystal. As the point becomes a bright white bolus, you begin to feel the psychic thrum of the Negotiant's activation.
  • note: will change into a <adjective> tessera after the invoke
possible adjectives include:
  • frosty