Sirese flower

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A pale blue flower of sacred importance.


Sirese flowers may be found at some clerical shops, as well as the Crossing Temple and Tamsine's Rest. They are considered a symbol of a Cleric's initiation to the divine.


Sirese seeds are used in a devotional ritual where they are reverently planted and watered by Clerics. They may be GATHERed at:

  • Ilithi: Northeast shore of Shard
[Vela'Tohr Overlook, Precarious Shelf]
Scraggly clumps of sirese flowers, partially protected by the rising cliff, grow bravely amidst the accumulation of rubble scattered haphazardly on the hard ground. Horizontal cracks striate the cliff -- strange handprints left by nature along the coarse stone wall.
Obvious paths: west.