House of the Verdant Lily

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One of the clans of the Elothean nation.

Peaceful and the least hostile of the Elotheans, this clan produces many herbalists, Clerics, and Empaths, and a scattering of Moon Mages. Mainly matriarchal, although they do pick a male leader from time to time. The Verdant Lily's members are often born with green or blue eyes and blonde hair. Entrance requires only a vow of pacifism. If this vow is broken, the member is outcast and may never be allowed back in.

Gerenshuge name: Shoana ilet Niir Syela.

Crest: A lily on an emerald stem with petals shading from gold to white at the edges on a white field.

Official colors: Emerald-green and gold.

Current leader: Neineloa Ylosh'a Aeloshiia.