Item:Shadow-hued broadcloth assassin's backpack

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Incomplete Item
  • This item is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Item Type

shadow-hued broadcloth assassin's backpack
Look: The deep, rich grey fabric forms a sturdy bag. Rawhide ties dyed the same color as the cloth dangle from the top flap.
Weight: 60 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 25,000 Kronars20,000 Lirums <br />18,040 Dokoras <br />25 LTBpoints <br />25 Tickets <br />25 Scrips <br />
  • This item is a container or has pockets.
  • This item is worn in the back slot.
Dimensions: 15 length x 10 width x 1 height
Capacity: 15 length x 10 width x 5 height (1000 stones)
Sources: Incidental drop from Quest for Kanton's Dagger.
Source is Quest for Kanton's Dagger


You are sure that you can OPEN and CLOSE the backpack. It also has ties with which you can TIE and UNTIE your backpack. You can also TAP, RUB, WIPE, POKE, PUSH, PULL, WAVE, SMELL, SHAKE, THUMP and BITE it.


You see: You open the backpack, the soft material moving soundlessly.
Others see: [Player] quietly opens a broadcloth assassin's backpack with fraying straps.


You see: You close the assassin's backpack, a soft whuffing noise the only sound it makes.
Others see: [Player] closes a broadcloth assassin's backpack with fraying straps quietly.


You see: You pull the ties near the mouth of your backpack, cinching it neatly closed before securely fastening it with a quick knot.
Others see: [Player] ties a knot to secure their backpack closed.


You see: You unravel the knot holding your backpack closed.
Others see: [Player] unravels the knot holding [his/her] assassin's backpack closed.


You see: You drum your fingers against the soft material of the backpack, creating a very quiet tattoo.
Others see: [Player] taps [his/her] assassin's backpack, [his/her] fingers creating a quiet tattoo against the soft material.


You see: You rub your fingers against the supple material of your hitman's backpack, the texture soft under your touch.
Others see: [Player] rubs [his/her] fingers against [his/her] assassin's backpack.


You see: You absently wipe your hand off on your backpack.
Others see: [Player] absently wipes [his/her] hand off on [his/her] assassin's backpack.


You see (closed): You prod your backpack in an attempt to determine something about its contents. Unfortunately you cannot glean any new information through this method. Maybe you should open it up and just look inside.
You see (open): You prod your backpack in an attempt to determine something about its contents. However, it'd be a lot easier to just look inside.
Others see (closed): [Player] prods [his/her] assassin's backpack thoughtfully.


You see (holding and open): You reach into your backpack and press your hands against the insides, trying to eke out another square inch. You don't think it worked.
You see (holding and closed): Using both hands and straining, you attempt to squeeze your backpack into a smaller, more compact size. You feel like your efforts have left it at the same dimensions, though.
You see (wearing): You tamp down on the backpack, but it doesn't get any smaller.
Others see (holding and closed): Using both hands and a great deal of effort, [Player] squeezes [his/her] assassin's backpack. However, when [he/she] is finished, the backpack looks no different.


You see: You tug at the mouth of your backpack, pulling it open.
Others see: [Player] pulls open [his/her] assassin's backpack.
This verb will also open the backpack.


You see: You make large fanning motions above your open backpack, desperately trying to dispel the odor emanating from the inside.
Others see: [Player] makes broad, frantic fanning motions above [his/her] assassin's backpack.


You see (holding): You lean in to sniff at your backpack. That is disgusting! What kinds of things has this backpack held to create such a stench?
You see (wearing): You sniff at your backpack, and even though it is difficult to get a good whiff while you're wearing it, you still can smell a rancid odor from the inside. Gross!
Others see (holding): [Player] leans forward to sniff at [his/her] assassin's backpack then pulls [his/her] face back, reeling!


You see (holding): You shake your backpack, producing a muffled rattling. You can feel the contents of your backpack bouncing around.
You see (wearing): You reach out and firmly shake your assassin's backpack to readjust it. You feel the weight of the objects inside shift.
Others see (holding): [Player] shakes [his/her] assassin's backpack, producing a muffled rattling.


You see: You bring your hand down hard on your backpack and make contact with an object inside through the backpack's soft material. Let's hope it wasn't fragile!
Others see: [Player] brings [his/her] hand down hard on [his/her] assassin's backpack, and looks to immediately regret doing so.


You see (holding): You use your mouth to hold your backpack as widely open as possible.
You see (wearing): You awkwardly try to bite at your backpack, but it's too hard to reach with your teeth while you are wearing it!
Others see (holding): [Player] bites the opening of [his/her] assassin's backpack with [his/her] teeth to hold it open wide.

Additional Information

Containers with similar verbs: