Dance command

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The DANCE command is used both in Barbarian Dances and in normal dancing.

In addition, a great many items use DANCE for RP interactions.

Standard Usage and Syntax


Emote You see: Others see:
angry You stomp angrily about!
awkward You shuffle side to side awkwardly, with no apparent appreciation for rhythm or coordination.
badly Channelling your inner performer, you begin to flail around in your best interpretation of dancing.
crazy As if spurred on by some wild energy, you flail your arms around and twitch violently in a mockery of dance.
fiend Hands curled into mock claws, you cavort and caper about, grinning fiendishly.
graceful You dance gracefully, your head slowly rocking from side to side and your body swaying to an internal beat.
hands You begin a dazzling display of grace by dancing with only your hands.
happy You do a happy little dance of joy!
join You dance about, motioning for those around you to dance as well.
prance Excitedly, you prance around in a tight circle.
roll (fail) You do a pair of quick dance steps before tucking into a forward roll and skidding across the floor on your face. Not so slick!
roll (success)
shake You turn in a circle, shaking your behind and waving your arms overhead.
silly You dance a lively jig!
squat (fail) You squat down on your haunches, bouncing slightly and just as you begin to kick a leg out, you fail to hold yourself up and fall over!
squat (success)
stomp You move across the ground, kicking up small clouds of dust and debris, stomping a tattoo.
unusual You eagerly swing your arms from side to side, snapping out a rapid beat. A wide grin takes your face as you sway your hips with each snap as you rapidly shift your weight.
victory You strut about victoriously, throwing smiles and winks.


Target You see: Others see:
<held item> You dance about with your <item>.
<environment item> You dance around the <item>!
<weapon> You do an impressive display of agility with your <weapon>.


Command You see: Others see:
dance The dead can't dance! <Person> twitches feebly, the cold, claylike corpse apparently mimicking the undead before it decays.

Also See