Alemoshar's Face Painting

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Alemoshar's Face Painting
Province Ilithi
Justice Unknown
Town Horse Clan
Map Ranik's Map 71a
Owner Alemoshar
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Face Painting shops
This store only accepts Dokoras

Alemoshar wanders the streets of Horse Clan.

ask alemoshar about face painting
Item Price Done
jade ivy leaves around your eyes 1700   No
iridescent blue lightning bolts 1000   No
a grinning skull overlapping your features 2000   No
silvery stars running diagonally across your face 1500   No
swirling russet leaves along the upper half of your face 1500   No
a stylized third eye on your forehead 1000   No
red and orange flames 1500   No
gilded spiderwebs along your temples 1800   No
painted eagle feathers around your eyes 1200   No
order # from alemoshar