Pelag ai Aldam

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Incomplete Article
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  • Need death messaging checked for complete text
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Incomplete Article
  • This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Need death messaging checked for complete text
Pelag ai Aldam
Status: Alive
Guild: Moon Mage
Race: Extra-planar creature
Gender: Male
Location: Astral Plane

Pelag ai Aldam (Gamgweth for "Servant of Fate") is one of the denizens of the Astral Plane. His origins are unclear; some believe him to be an entity created wholly within the Plane of Probability or Astral Plane, while others believe he may have once been a mortal Seer. Regardless of his true origin, he currently resides in the Astral Plane and pursues intruders with single-minded, murderous intent. An encounter with Pelag ai Aldam typically ends with the unlucky Moon Mage being maliciously deposited in the Grey Expanse, and death soon follows.

Pelag ai Aldam is the archetypal perfect Seer, with absolute and unerring foresight. His abilities grant him unspeakable power while simultaneously limiting that power; any action he takes is bound up in strands of extreme fatalism, since he already knows what will happen before he does anything. He was named by Nera and has sought to murder Moon Mages (whom he calls "Defilers") ever since the Naming Ritual was developed, implying that their mental influence on the Astral and Probability planes have corrupted the design of Fate itself.

In contrast to his powerful nature, Pelag manifests as a patently unextraordinary Human man with pale skin, red hair, and a malicious smile.

Death in the Astral Plane

Ominous mental static builds in the area. Incomprehensible thoughts infringe on your mind, making clear thinking an increasingly difficult feat.

Unlike most astral phenomena, the static does not go away after a few moments. In fact, it's getting stronger. Closer.


The distortion in the entity's "voice" grows, yet you sense a tone of ritual within it. "I was named Pelag ai Aldam. The Defilers of Fate are mine to claim and I demand sacrifice!" The man and the psychic barrage vanish abruptly."

After this, death is impossible to avoid, even if the Astral Plane is escaped.

Your vision blurs and dims. Your body goes numb and you are only distantly aware that you have collapsed. There is a distinct lack of pain, or any other sensation for that matter, as your heart goes quiet.

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