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Picked flora

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There are hundreds of pickable flowers and foods found throughout Elanthia...more information soon.

Common Picked Flowers




Randomly Generated Flowers

There are a number of places within the game where a flower may not always be available to pick but rather is handed out or randomized by an NPC or plant. These include:

  • vela'tohr flower (color varies, picked by the gardener) - Crossing Temple Grounds, Garden
  • clerical roses (color and style randomly generated) - Leth Deriel, Shrine, A Rose Garden (Cleric-only)
  • Carillon goose (random choice of flowers picked and dropped by the goose) - Mer'Kresh, Carillon Garden

Rare Flowers

Many items are rare and limited to festivals and quests to find. While many of the following flower types have not yet been found to pick yet, they exist within the game through use on items and/or a GameMaster release note and may be of academic interest until a pickable version is located.

Common Picked Food

In addition to the multitude of foods found at inns, stores and other locations, there are a fair number of free food items you can pick while exploring.