Milgrym's Weapons (obsolete)

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Incomplete Article
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Milgrym's Weapons
Province Zoluren
Justice Unknown
Town The Crossing
Map Ranik's Map 1
Owner Milgrym
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Weapon shops
This store only accepts Kronars

[Milgrym's Weapons, Showroom]
This is a plain and businesslike shop carrying a wide variety of weapons. A fair assortment of the wide range of methods to cut, bash, crush, eviscerate and otherwise discomfit your enemies can be had here. Traders with exotic or unusual weapons are welcome to come in and dicker as Milgrym has an eye for bargains and an appreciation of good weapons. You also see a solid pine table with a leather-bound catalog on it.

Note: You may be able to haggle for lower prices depending on your Charisma.

Page 1 - Edged weapons
Item Price Done
Dagger 200   
Short Sword 312   No
Hunting Sword 500   No
Longsword 562   No
Broadsword 575   No
Two-Handed Sword 875   No
Foil 375   No
Rapier 500   No
Scimitar 525   No
Cutlass 250   No
Hand Axe 375   No
Battle Axe 700   No
Page 2 - Blunt weapons
Item Price Done
Cudgel 62   No
Gauntlet 100   No
War Hammer 312   No
War Club 125   No
Mace 312   No
Flanged Mace 625   No
Ball and Chain 600   No
Flail 812   No
War Mattock 812   No
Page 3 - Ranged weapons
Item Price Done
Sling 62   No
Staff Sling 100   No
Short Bow 225   No
Longbow 350   No
Composite Bow 687   No
Light Crossbow 625   No
Heavy Crossbow 1000   No
Page 4 - Poles and staves
Item Price Done
Bo Stick 87   No
Quarterstaff 112   No
Spear 250   No
Halberd 562   No
Pike 625   No
Page 5 - Ammunition
Item Price Done
Small Rocks 150   No
Large Rocks 187   No
Arrows 75   
Long Arrows 187   No
Barbed Arrows 250   No
Crossbow Bolts 112   No