Post:Issue that came up with TELLEXP - 2/11/2009 - 10:06:37

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Re: Issue that came up with TELLEXP · on 2/11/2009 10:06:37 AM 2260
<<It is a know issue that has been posted about before. It seems with TELLEXP the skill get run through the other person's mental stats.

For example, my Basket Weaving skill has 3954861 bits, with my mental set up (INT, WIS, DISC) shows up as perplexed. I do a tellexp to Bob. Now it seems the Tellexp verb shows the # of bits in the pool, 3954861, to Bob. It then runs this through Bob's mental stats, which than shows him a different level of learning. If Bob's stats are lower than mine, he'll see mind lock. If Bob's stats are higher than mine he'll see thoughtful.>>

I don't think it's as simple as that, and that it includes a "pool size by ranks/skillset" factor as well:

Case in point: my empath has 86 ranks in empathy,
Intel: 18
Wis: 17
Disc: 21

Doing a TellEXP to my Warrior Mage, who has 0 ranks in empathy (surprise!) but mentals that are well higher:

Intel: 27
Wisdom: 27
Disc: 28

Conversely, doing a TellEXP from the Empath to the Warrior Mage on another skill with a hind learning-rate (ie. Harness Ability) lead to the expected "Warrior mage shows far lower learning rate via tellexp than Empath".

Something's weird, though, to be honest, were I to "reform" the tellexp verb I'd probably fix the fact that it's difficult (if possible) to use it in a discrete manner like you used to (ie. TELLEXP SOLOMON SHIELD USAGE) without having every other skill you have active experience in pop up at the same time.

This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic \ Bugs, by JBEERS on the forums.