Post:Hvaral - 11/26/2012 - 06:17

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Re: Hvaral · on 11/26/2012 06:17 AM CST 1146
In the interest of allowing skilled players to shave some travel time between Hvaral and Muspar'i, the sand barge travel time was reduced and an oasis was added at the half-way point, which also allows for players who change their mind mid-trip and want to head back to Hvaral. You can also walk from Hvaral to Muspar'i but, while the trek from Hvaral to the oasis is only somewhat difficult, once you start walking west beyond the oasis, the travel does become extreme and it is intended. You're crossing a vast desert where the surrounding area is supposed to give the impression that one dune looks the same as the next. These features were added a while back and aren't particularly new...this is just me tossing out additional information.

There are also additional measures that you can take to help ward off the effects of the desert heat, like wearing a hooded cloak and making sure to drink plenty of water. Lastly, if you stand too long in the path of the sand barge, you will likely get run over. (It's so hard to train yeehars. :sighs:)

One thing I did notice after your assist was that there's some back end quirks about the Muspar'i end of the walk that I'll need to look at but, for now, it's nothing that should effect your ability to cross, provided you have the skill.

=GM Jhustis= Logistics Minion
Muspar'i Guru
S'Kra Mur Champion
Orders Lead

This message was originally posted in Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia \ Therenborough, Langenfirth and The Keeps of Therengia, by DR-JHUSTIS on the forums.