Post:Garbs and more - 10/29/2011 - 10:18

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Garbs and more · on 10/29/2011 10:18 AM CDT 1212
Given that HE11 is out now... I figure I'll just leave this here. I assume you'll know what to do with it.

Muhenta - a simple cord necklace with a holy symbol, and sometimes a few beads on either side. They are commonly worn by Kaldars of all social classes, though members of the clergy will occasionally wear more ornate variants.

For the Clergy:
Arek domisaha - a round, low close fitting hat made of wool, trimmed with metal knotwork or braided spiral around the circumference.

Lusks domisaha - a long, heavy coat made of soft wool that buttons to the waist and flares out slightly below. They are usually a solid color with minimal or no decorative designs, though the wrist clasps are often ornate.

Note The arek and lusks usually match in color and design, and in all cases the metal is moen takibena* when available, though other precious metals are increasingly common due to lack of availability and a decreased threat from the Ocular.

Kisti - a wide (2.5-3") leather belt with a simple clasp, that is decorated along its length with engraved metal plates. Most commonly the design is a repeating symbol showing devotion to one god, though devotion to all gods is sometimes demonstrated as well whether this be 10 or 13 plates.

Moen takibena - A rare metal found primarily in Albaria, it is pale green and has adverse effects on Oculars when it comes into contact with them. It tends to be used as a decorative device, forming symbols on weapons used to fight the Ocular as well as on religious paraphernalia. It's important in Kaldaran society has drastically decreased since the migration.


This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms \ Kaldar - The Korner, by DR-RAESH on the forums.